Shootable Laser Minesarchmage User Offline 07.07.12 01:13:26 am With this script shooting laser mines causes them to explode. edited 1×, last 07.07.12 01:18:40 am Approved by GeoB99 (16.06.16 10:14 am) Download 843 b, 607 Downloads
EngiN33R Moderator Offline 26.02.13 01:33:11 pm For all you lazy whiners I added useigor's image to the file as a screenshot. The script is simple but neat - it adds a small feature, however a feature that is logical and can prove tactically useful in some situations. I like it!
Zurak User Offline 26.02.13 02:42:37 am nice little script but some1 like me might probably think this script literally shoots laser mines. I like it!edited 1×, last 26.02.13 03:13:55 am
Obviously Exactly Myself User Offline 30.01.13 12:34:03 pm Good, but I think you should improve the description. I like it!
-DIE Wolf- User Offline 29.01.13 03:02:29 pm Nice job! Now we dont need HE, snowball, gut... to blow laser mines! I like it!
useigor User Offline 29.01.13 12:33:19 pm Yellow Flash, no need for screenshots, just read the description and then download script if you need. I like it!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - User Offline 07.07.12 04:31:28 am Good idea it will solve many problems I like it!
EP User Offline 07.07.12 01:28:53 am Well, it is good. If you put screens it will be better. I like it I like it!