added]history entry on dairy,extended every time you finish a structure (except rocks)and shows the day which the extension did showed.
great corona:a giant corona that kills everything inside the devestating circle (used explosion script with a giant red + blue + green coronas in a little different sizes) edited 12×, last 25.11.08 04:21:32 pm
hm, it sounds really good but why you call it "destructive mod"? its more "extended extended mod" (yeah, two times, because it looks like ext mod) i told at start
name by specter's "Glorius Destruction!";
and look at units. theres a specter. crap u could have mod with bloodshot. he can copy it...
and SORRY,could'nt just upload a JPG 40k pic... dont know y... my computer is crazy
if you see any bugs,post here.i've found myself almost 5 can also post youre taking EVERY THING. when do you realaes it?
(sorry for my english im from sweden)
/top_snille check files in navigation. Please stop doubleposting. forget from double posts.i just thought i was editing.
to load what? you said new version out can you load it up then! im uploading every new version in FILES button. this is new version. im making a new version,fixed material bug and added rope item which you can throw and it will get you where it's hit.but i have a lot more to do.
EDIT:yay! done the railgun!!
the railgun's purpose is,lets say you have 3 sheep to get wool could tag each with different particle colors to remember which has the more wool,so you could just continue the production of throwing ropes,tools,and others. edited 1×, last 30.09.08 09:09:26 am
im just recognized that the pictures just painted. is there everything alright or what? Admin/mod comment
AWWWW! PAIN! please log in if you have an account! /DC just what it means: the pictures for the items in the backpack are painted. maybe with the items,objects and more are painted with the simple paint program.special thanks to DC for the default icons i used to make the new one. ah, but it looks a little bit...simple. i mean, look at extmod: all the picture from the models are original. and your painting doesnt look very serious. sorry,i dont have any modeling software to take pics from. so i use paint,to make it at least a little bit so you can make a difference.i dont have any bad reason for doing this.