jockmo42 has written
Some very interesting ideas. Perhaps the log boat could need some other resources, and only a couple of logs? Maybe.
Yeah! That's what I was thinking! Maybe you could change the 3D image to include a stablizer? I don't know if the thing wouldn't tip over without one anyway.
Kinda like this catamaran style:http://www.raingutter-regatta.com/catamaran2.jpg
Or maybe like this trimaran?:http://www.seaworthysmallships.com/images/trimaran-button.gif
Without the sail of course.

Maybe you could add a little speed... but more importantly, does anyone else notice that you have to turn the boat at an angle to move straight?

jockmo42 has written
I like the sinew idea, more ways to bind wounds or make bows and what-not. I wish the building combinations were a bit more flexible, to allow for substitute items instead of making an entirely different building.
That would be nice. I hope this project your on doesn't prove to be too much work.

jockmo42 has written
I've implemented a hollowed-out log that catches rain, the models were already there, I just had to tweak them a bit and make them constructable.
Cool. I like that.

jockmo42 has written
The sling is an interesting idea, and would be easy to implement. And the bamboo crops sound reasonable. I'll look into it.
You could replace the slingshot entirely... I doubt something like a vine is able to kill

I think mainly just make stuff that use bamboo. I don't know why It's even in the game actually...

Maybe you could make bamboo a material for fishing poles? If you don't want to use a stick you could use bamboo if you want. Ya know? Maybe even bamboo would make a better pole. Hey! Make it to where a pole made from a branch can break...but a bamboo pole cannot or is unlikely to! That might be cool... but not really needed I guess.
I suppose later you could add different fish. Maybe just different sizes (Harvest Moon style!).
jockmo42 has written
And the shotgun, you're asking me to increase the range on it? I'm not too sure about that. I'll have to get a better feel for the shotgun in-game, but from what I remember, it has a very decent range, if a little overpowered.
I dunno man... I don't know what the shotgun needs. It just doesn't seem very.... real to me.

jockmo42 has written
Any and all ideas are welcome. 

Actually I do have another idea. I think metal should only be processable near fire. I don't know how you would implement that though... Maybe you could make a forge contruction or something? Maybe a hammer is a building requirement (You use your hammer to essentially 'build' another hammer into it)? That way the metal would be processed at a fire but you don't run into the problem of trying to combine a hammer and metal onto a contruction (Which is impossible right?).
Maybe make it a trade screen? You trade some metal and a stick and a hammer (which you don't actually lose) and you receive a axe. Just an idea.
I'll tell ya if I come up with more. I'm likely to accidently overwhelm you though, so you're welcome to tell me to stop!