
Why I didn't read this thread earlier?

I love the idea with cooking near fire, I came upon it too ( saw it in Arx Fatalis game and fell in love in it

And the whole idea with making it more castaway and realistic, the herbalism - these are things I want to see in the game! (Im making a polish translation + my mod, which maybe should have some kind of name I can't come up with :P)
howgh, I hope you are still developing!
hudajan is working on it.
HudaJan has written
and then he wrote,that hes busy on czech stension mod. so this shows you its not frozen or dead.

( I can see its face )

Hint: This little bastard digs through the ground and let this little piles of mud on it.

not here isn't

like this one

what he can do (like actually dig,or can it hurt you,or you can tame it)?

And you'll have to smoke him away or flood him

But, for sure, it won't bite you...