
DontKnowToScript has written
maybe u can do:
buildplace=object id on the wall thingys
buildplace=object id on the wall thingys
Yes, I thought about it, too, and check this out as far as I find time for it.

HudaJan has written
The effects of the picture are quite cool! (I also should try out some of the effects in GIMP again...)
Mad Cow Disease. What do you think?

Silent_Control has written
Hey Huda i got an idea for another disease. If you eat too much beaf from that cow there will be a chance to get BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encefalitis) also known as
Mad Cow Disease. What do you think?
Mad Cow Disease. What do you think?
1. there's no bovine's in S2 (yet i guess)
2.don't eat the brain or let any brain or spinal tissue
get in the beef and you're fine
2) well if you eat raw beaf from an ill cow (in real life) you get Mad Cow Disease
(my rate 10/10

About date of release: It's too early to even think about it, I think it's far from finished, let's say it's in 20%...
Here is.. let's say trailer..(?)
Sorry about czech, there is nothing important

Map, Video: tomasobst

edited 2×, last 28.08.08 03:45:24 pm

And no, it's not attacking you, vice versa it's affraid of you. Of course if you attack it with hand it damages you a little....


edited 2×, last 29.08.08 07:34:01 pm

but it needs to have longer spikes

Sonic the hedgehog has even shorter spikes

But this is small innocent hedgehog