
For now it's all
Will this be in english.
Can i be a beta tester,scripter and modeler.
is there a possiability it will be done by christmas?
Reason im posting:
they say that the creator of this thread is just working on it
and not posting so probley why its more than 90 days old. so some one please awnser thank you.
so is the modder
you cant be anything cause its not done and never will be
hope you understand
i wanted to play this mod too

Vibhor has written
This mod is probably dead
so is the modder
you cant be anything cause its not done and never will be
hope you understand
i wanted to play this mod too
so is the modder
you cant be anything cause its not done and never will be
hope you understand
i wanted to play this mod too

Yes,this mod is realy dead!They released only demo!
where is the demo?
Vibhor has written
where is the demo?
where is the demo?
Here: http://www.stranded2.ic.cz/Czechstension%20Mod.zip

I was late - sry 4 spam.
Paulas800 has written
Here: http://www.stranded2.ic.cz/Czechstension%20Mod.zip
Vibhor has written
where is the demo?
where is the demo?
Here: http://www.stranded2.ic.cz/Czechstension%20Mod.zip
Is it Czech?
No matter i am still gonna get it

Vectar666 has written
It will be Engstension!
Yeah! I'd love that.
JadeStone has written
Does anyone know Hudjan's email because we could try to get the unfinished beta from him.
You can see that in his profile.
- Email address (only visible with login) -

Crystalwarrior has written
YEPPEEE!! Its awesome! Firstly - kidnap mod, secondary - S2Ext mod, thirdly - Czechstension mod!!! These are the greatest mods for stranded II 

But Czechstension mod is dead.
DJ-Menj has written
But Czechstension mod is dead.
But Czechstension mod is dead.
That doesn't matter.
I'd rather download a good dead mod then download a bad alive mod.