Hi. I'm new, but I need some help. I had an Idea for a new mod/map. I was thinking: what if you got washed up on jurrasic park? What if some triceratops or watever took you in? What if you learned their language? Sorry if this is a very stupid idea.
But I need help making dino models and scripting. I can't do ether. Is any one willing to help me?
I'm very surprised this idea wasn't said till now. I have had this idea too when I was beginning.
You should first catch some basics. Try to read the tutorial.
And about models, you should use the deffinicions change such as scale and color. You'll be really surprised what magic you can make with combinations of those two defs. I can help you. Better add me to your Skype/icq list
Well.. You don't have to find it. Just type it there
for example there is
so add there
color=0,0,255 (or whatever color you need)
u can choose the color in the map editor u enter colors in terrain option and pick ur color then see the numbers and write the numbers itll be ilke how u want
when u enter game,choose editor and click the black color in the sidebar. then choose color for the side u want and write the color numbers from up to down.
srry for bad english!