Just tried out this mod, and I didn't manage to get very far due to problems with building the "Makeshift Shelter."
Despite having more than the materials available, the game appears to detect neither the leaves nor the branches in the backpack, and I am completely unable to continue construction. Colonel-Shemp has written
It's not really off-topic
I'll post a like directly to the file, maybe that would help. I never had to register to download *anything* on filefront, I've never heard of this happening.
I'll post the new link tomorrow, I just got a call for help now.
Well, I tried again, and again, and again .. STILL same *stupid* answer .. so I sent *Filefront* a *Blistering* message. telling them *THEY Are the Idiots!*
I will try ONE last time (unless I get an *Intelligent reply* .. (Ha! Ha!) .. from Filefront,)
(HEY, it's not your fault, it's the crappy Filefront's fault! .. Users wanting to download even *Massive Mod* get the same crap.)
edited 2×, last 12.07.08 10:50:52 am
Well wherever you upload it this time, make sure it's not Rapidshare.
Because Rapidshare sucks. Tinkerbell has written
Colonel-Shemp has written
It's not really off-topic
I'll post a like directly to the file, maybe that would help. I never had to register to download *anything* on filefront, I've never heard of this happening.
I'll post the new link tomorrow, I just got a call for help now.
Well, I tried again, and again, and again .. STILL same *stupid* answer .. so I sent *Filefront* a *Blistering* message. telling them *THEY Are the Idiots!*
I will try ONE last time (I'll give you until Tuesday Night) for your new post, otherwise (unless I get an *Intelligent reply* .. (Ha! Ha!) .. from Filefront,) then I will just drop it, and FORGET about your mod.
(HEY, it's not your fault, it's the crappy Filefront's fault! .. Users wanting to download even *Massive Mod* get the same crap.)
but I am not going to *bust my ass* trying to download your mods.
I had no problem downloading it. @Colonel-Shemp
I have 2 hanging pots (2 versions each)
1 cauldron sized as a stand alone ground-bound
object and as a hanging pot.
the size of the fire sate requires that it hangs a little high.
The other is smaller, and sits lower to the campfire
and imo looks better.
Plus 1 frying pan and 1 larger covered pot.
ya know .... the nature of the S2 dictates that the only
way the pan & pot will be seen is when dropped on the
ground, so i think you need a grilling rack to sit them
over the campfire. Raven Shadow:
THAT is because you are NOT in *South Africa* .. (the asshole of the world) Tinkerbell has written
Raven Shadow:
THAT is because you are NOT in *South Africa* .. (the asshole of the world)
I'm sorry Tinkerbell, I don't understand the nature of that response.
If it's in response to my ability to download the mod.....
I doubt Africa has much to do with it, since someone has
already pointed out in another thread, that website's history of intentionally screwing with your chances of
having a successful download in the hopes it will
encourage people to become paying members.
On a side note Africa is not the earth's rectum.
It's the consequences of the choices of evil men
& women that an make a place unliveable.
Africa itself is a continent possessing scenes of great
beauty & great sadness .... like any other place on this
Earth. usually, the only difference between those 2
extremes are ...... the choices humans make. Disturbing weekend, disturbing week. Don't ask, Don't question, don't bother (eh...nevermind)
Tomarrow I might not work on the mod again, because I have more crap to do around the house...yet again...
Raven Shadow:
Use the smaller pot, I agree it would be better (A giant caldron isn't a good example of a survival tool...). I used a grill idea for Morrowind (elder scrolls 3). It was a item you simply *dropped* on top of a campfire to use.
Well, I've got pain, suffering, and torture tomarrow (work, cutting trees, ripping this, shovel that, burn this...) so stay with me until friday, then I can finally get back to work on this! Raven Shadow has written
I'm sorry Tinkerbell, I don't understand the nature of that response.
If it's in response to my ability to download the mod.....
I doubt Africa has much to do with it, since someone has
already pointed out in another thread, that website's history of intentionally screwing with your chances of
having a successful download in the hopes it will
encourage people to become paying members.
No sir, it is not about your ability to download.
The *reason* given to me by filefront, was that Africa is a region that is not really supported by their website .. hence the *error*
and by the way, I said South Africa .. not Africa .. From the point of view of *scenery* SA is beautiful .. it's the Crime and corruption together with poor services that makes it the rectum of the world .. I know, I live here. Im done with this work now, but I feel like crap. I'll work on the mod tomarrow. Tinkerbell:
you have my sympathy.
the quote button is on strike
I haven't had much time, but I should have a bowl, cup,
fork and spoon ready in a day or so.
Then I'll tackle an idea i have for a modular stove. Raven Shadow has written
you have my sympathy.
Thanks I appreciate that .. Well . No sense in further comment!
Just be glad that you are NOT "here".
btw: Would you be prepared to upload this file to
http://www.megaupload.com ? THEN no-one would have a problem downloading it.
(or Would the Colonel-Shemp be annoyed by this request?) edited 2×, last 12.07.08 12:21:53 am
Tinkerbell has written
btw: Would you be prepared to upload this file to
http://www.megaupload.com ? THEN no-one would have a problem downloading it.
(or Would the Colonel-Shemp be annoyed by this request?)
What file? His mod? if so, he'll answer the question
Raven Shadow has written
Tinkerbell has written
btw: Would you be prepared to upload this file to
http://www.megaupload.com ? THEN no-one would have a problem downloading it.
(or Would the Colonel-Shemp be annoyed by this request?)
What file? His mod? if so, he'll answer the question

So Sorry Raven shadow, ... YOU said you had no problem downloading this *Realism Mod GOLD*(From Filefront). Well, it is impossible for me to do likewise, which is why I asked if you would upload it to
Everyone on Stranded II *seems to think* that *Filefront.com* is the place to put their uploads, but THAT SITE SUCKS! (Too many complaints!)
Megaupload does NOT have this problem (of *cannot support your country* - etc.)
"Sorry for the worry" .. Please IGNOR my simple request!
Colonel-Shemp .. May I ask if you would upload your mod to http://www.megaupload.com , if it is not too much trouble? I would really like to try it.
edited 2×, last 12.07.08 10:56:50 am
As I stated in another post,
a long tiring week ended yesterday and wasn't
much capable of serious thought ......
así, poner el sarcasmo de distancia, hasta que pueda servir a un propósito mejor.
Until Colonel-Shemp pipes in :
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WCF4HMX4 Admin/mod comment
you are violating the rules. please speak english only in english forums. /DC Raven Shadow has written
As I stated in another post
What Post?
a long tiring week ended yesterday and wasn't
much capable of serious thought ......
así, poner el sarcasmo de distancia, hasta que pueda servir a un propósito mejor.
Uhhh! So you had a long and tiring week? (Well SO DID I ) .. but sorry, I DON'T speak "Latin, Spanish, or whatever language you are using"!
So IF you want to TALK to me .. please use English!
(It sounded like you were "trying" to be sarcastic [Sarcasmo] .. yes)?
So OK .. I did download the mod .. (Thank You!) ...
edited 2×, last 13.07.08 04:25:57 pm
no, you weren't polite you were rude, in your earlier
post. and the lating is a reference to you're sarcasm.
I used spanish, so my response would not sound as rude off the bat.
Basically it says take it easy with the uneccessary sarcasm, keep it for more appropriate use.
This IS Shemp's mod ONLY he has the right to decide
where the file and is NOT posted, so my response to
you're request was short simple and very polite, dispite
my physical and mental exhaustion.
And my response also quit polite and friendly dispite
your ongoing habit of behaving in sarcastic, rude,
and infantile response to everyone in this forum
that doesn't give in to your demands.
So start acting like the 65+ you claim instead of
the 9- your posts sound like ...
See? how's that? no sarcasm whatsoever,
and you're just going to respond in greater anger, because of your inability reread your own posts and
realize where you went wrong. Raven Shadow has written
See? how's that? no sarcasm whatsoever,
and you're just going to respond in greater anger, because of your inability reread your own posts and
realize where you went wrong.
Going to respond in greater anger? Why?
But thank you, and if I have offended, I apologise.
and YES, I have been re-reading my previous posts, and have tried to edit out any nasty remarks from the originals, but I cannot edit out a nasty remark after it has been quoted by someone else.
I used spanish, so my response would not sound as rude off the bat.
Basically it says take it easy with the uneccessary sarcasm, keep it for more appropriate use.
Now had you said that the first time (and not in spanish) my response would have been entirely different.
So please accept my apology.
edited 3×, last 13.07.08 06:18:53 pm
Bowl, Plate, Cup, Fork and Spoon are completed
with wood textures that are separate files, so it can
easily replaced with custom textures in subfolders in
order to have multiple types of each object.