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English Menu lag problem

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old Menu lag problem


Well, my menu lags a lot when I try to play. I've heard that turning auto-anti-aliasing to off solves the problem. How do I do that?

Thanks in advance.

old Re: Menu lag problem

User Off Offline

It's because the graphics are on high, it happened to me too. Just go to options and put the graphics on low.

old Re: Menu lag problem


Still, didn't work. Could someone just tell me how to turn anti-aliasing off?

old Re: Menu lag problem

Raven Shadow
User Off Offline

Guest has written
Still, didn't work. Could someone just tell me how to turn anti-aliasing off?

If you're using an Nvidia card make sure you're using
the most recent drivers, and use it's control panel
to disable anti-aliasing off for S2 alone.

What are your system specs?

old Re: Menu lag problem

Admin On Online

you should be able to do it in your windows system settings.
with a nvidia card you should have a nvidia link there and with an ati card you should have an ati/catalyst link. just click it and you will have a screen with all possible settings.

if you don't have such a link you have to install the latest drivers for you graphicscard first. goto or

furthermore make sure that you have the latest version of directX which is available for your system.

old Re: Menu lag problem

User Off Offline

From personal experience, I've never seen any good come out of driver-set anti-aliasing. >_>
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