
Massive Mod-Patched.
25 replies chrisseren has written
Okay but i cant find the Original massive mod i searched it and got some torrents but they dont got peers and dont work can someone upload like a Link or Something?
Builder2-0 posted a link to it, that i think is still valid, in
Thanks for the patch, but I'm getting an error. I open Stranded 2 and when it's loading Objects, it always stops at 24% and crashes. I get the error "ID between 1 and 255 expected." I can't find any objects that are not within that range. Can anyone help?
Guest, don't claw through each file looking for things, go to game.inf and change the Object_limit to whatever you want. (lol)
I'm having the same problem as that Guest, and changing the object limit doesn't help in the slightest, no matter what I change the number to.
Guest, don't claw through each file looking for things, go to game.inf and change the Object_limit to whatever you want. (lol)
I'm having the same problem as that Guest, and changing the object limit doesn't help in the slightest, no matter what I change the number to. [/quote]
He ment that all 3 should be increased, until you figure out which is causing your problem.
The following should suffice: