Theese are only making problems with srcipting learning, but what with object making, map making, etc.?
As i'm not begginer in c++ and orther programming languages, i still have problems with making ANY script more large than 5 lines. I dig in Stranded 2 main mod MAANY hours and found nothink.
So i am starting making a large tuttorial about scripting\mod making in polish\english. I tryied to find help in polish sites, but only one i found was victorygames.com.pl (where stranded\stranded 2 are games of months). I post thread there: only ONE guy answer me with help proposition.
First i want to do documentation. I need your help with making this. A.S.A.P i gonna teach some more about scripting, but i think this will be... hard ;/
Miner, Register soon.