
Stranded wont work
16 replies

edited 1×, last 29.04.08 08:09:44 am
hoping for a fix, i cant survive!!
Known Card Drivers are:

if it doesn't work after this, I don't know what to do after
how many mhz/ghz has your cpu, how much ram, which graphics cards with how much memory?
shouldent be the problem

Firewall, anti-virus, anti-malware, etc. ?
Have you tried running it from a clean boot?
Meaning, have you disable all auto-loading programs
and unneeded services?
I stay away from pre-built systems.
My father has a dell which can't run Diablo 2, Starcraft
and few other's it should be able to.
His pc has several strange auto-loading drivers for his cpu, gpu, printer, etc. Some of which cause much of his compatability problems.
So to troubleshoot game issues, you must disable "Every" autorun program, even the 2
nvidia programs that will be listed.
and "All" services that are not essential for the OS
to run and for stranded 2 to run.
Including all ant-virus, firwalls, ant-malware, etc.
Just disconnect the laptop from internet acces to protect it.
And don't forget Internet Explorer.
Any add-on's, pluggins & activeX objects that load when IE loads, will also load when explorer.exe runs.
Explorer.exe loads the desktop, and runs each time you
view the hdd's contents, so disable the all Ie
add-ons, too.
has info on creating/using custom inf's for laptop video
cards, to help resolve conflicts.
The front page lists several apps which may help you.
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/downloads/virtualpc/default.mspx" rel="ugc nofollow">http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931362/[/url
Microsoft KB article on basic troubleshooting for
vista conflicts.
The section on Aero Glass may or may not help.
I don't know what version of vista you have, but this:
or some other similar vista to xp emulator may work
as your final option, IF you also have an XP install disks
has what is supposed to be the most up to drivers for the geforce go 7300.
I'm sorry i just got called into work, so i'll close this by suggesting you seek help on microsoft's vista newsgroup.
(Edited in later)
Also, if your getting BSOD's, what file is being listed as the culprit ?
If Vista has Dr. Watson, try running it before stranded to see if it can catch and report the error.
Mentions a bug with blitz3d games and recent nvidia drivers, so is you are using current drivers, try earlier versions.
If you want to try nvidia's current generic forceware
http://www.nvidia.com/object/winvista_x86_169.25_whql.html English version 169.25 for 32-bit vista
http://www.nvidia.de/object/winvista_x86_169.25_whql_de.html The Deutsch version.
http://www.driverheavendownloads.net/nvidia.htm Has earlier version.
But becareful that page doesn't tell you that all versoins higher than 169.25 are for the 9XXX generation
and newer chipsets only.
Both offer links to Alternative Forceware Drivers
designed to fix known bugs, improve performance, or improve appearance or a combination of all 3 effects.
Well I need to get back to trying to translate a mod.
I hope some of my rambling helps.
Good Luck
edited 4×, last 02.05.08 11:14:59 pm