My question is, how do I use the spawn controls to continuously spawn things. I've been trying to get it to spawn fish, but whatever I do, they never spawn. I've looked at some other maps that do it, but I still don't get the spawn controls and why they don't work for me.

Spawn Control
4 replies

My question is, how do I use the spawn controls to continuously spawn things. I've been trying to get it to spawn fish, but whatever I do, they never spawn. I've looked at some other maps that do it, but I still don't get the spawn controls and why they don't work for me.
Sorry if I'm wrong but I'm sure coral spawns something...
you've got to keep in mind that spwancontrols only spawn things at midnight, if you want to continuosly spwan things, you've got to script this by yourself.
part is how many are spawend every cycle.
all x days is how long a cycle is.
If you for example put all x days to 2, and part to 3, every 2 days 3 things are spawend within the area.