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English this sux,my laptop can run it faster -.-

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old this sux,my laptop can run it faster -.-


this is bs,my comp can run battlefield 2 perfectly and yet it cant run stranded 2 properly,i have this very choppy movement with the mouse, wtf is wrong?

old Re: this sux,my laptop can run it faster -.-

User Off Offline

try to redownload stranded 2, and start the new one.
if this doesn't help, download the newest drivers of video card, sound card and perhaps motherboard...
then have a look at your mouse settings.

old Re: this sux,my laptop can run it faster -.-

Admin On Online

Redownloading Stranded II is nonsense in this case (as long as you got the latest version). Just update your drivers and DirectX or try to use older drivers. The problem is that Stranded II uses a pretty old DirectX Version (7) and your system is probably optimized for newer DirectX Versions like 9 or 10.

old Re: this sux,my laptop can run it faster -.-

Admin On Online

thats nice but such statements are worthless. there are so many things which can influence the speed. most people here probably have a card which is not made for directX 7 and SII runs fine.

old Re: this sux,my laptop can run it faster -.-

Admin On Online

yes thats right. it is not very optimized because an island contains thousands of dynamic objects which can be modified everytime with scripts. would have been hard work to optimize this wise. furthermore I never took the time to learn something about techniques to optimize such stuff and in addition you have to remember that it is written in blitz3d which is not as fast as c++ (which has been used for hl2)

old Re: this sux,my laptop can run it faster -.-


im running a crappier laptop than most of you
1.6 ghz single core
512 mb ram
no external video card

stranded II is the fastest 3D game that runs on my comp.
maybe it likes slow computers :p

old Re: this sux,my laptop can run it faster -.-

User Off Offline

DC has written
furthermore I never took the time to learn something about techniques to optimize such stuff and in addition you have to remember that it is written in blitz3d which is not as fast as c++ (which has been used for hl2)

That's true. We discussed this problem already on IRC and we found that there are great problems in the performance implementations of B3D. Let's take the types for example wherein the objects are managed:

Every object in a type is like a double-linked list, thus meaning that random access on an object takes O(0.5 * k * n) time units, where k is the constant of time needed to access the next object (dereferencing pointers, assignments etc.) and n the number of objects.

With an improved structure (e.g. a tree) random access would just consume O(k * log(n)) time units.

Because random access is performed almost all the time (I don't know how much you cache) it gets slow very fast. Don't ask me how to implement a tree in B3d, as far as I know it is not possible because of the lack of pointers/references.
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