
if you whant i could help whith the translation just tell me which file needs translation and il start translating and finish when i can
edited 1×, last 25.12.07 09:54:50 pm
vali89 has written
k i m gona calm down
but when you finish pls post a link to the download
if you whant i could help whith the translation just tell me which file needs translation and il start translating and finish when i can

if you whant i could help whith the translation just tell me which file needs translation and il start translating and finish when i can
You could check the adventure from the english stranded II (S2Ext currently doesn't has an own), and also translate all maps included in S2Ext, since I can't do that in any way.

vali89 has written
can't i just replace the adventure folder whith the stranded 2 folder ? 

Sure, that's what I would have done anyway, but I think there were some untranslated parts in it, that's why I want someone to check it

If you could make a brief changelog (like "iron rod: description", "weed grandfather: trade dialogue"), I could even learn from the whole thing and note which translations sounded stiff or unnatural (please do, if it isn't too much an effort).
But if the commentators were honest, the English original campaign is at least no disaster - so better do the maps of s2ext first.
Re: s2ext
Guest Bloodshot has written
Hey, Bizil, I tried downloading the S2EX and 'guessed' what sone of the new things were. Seems you have aded about 15 objects on. It seems youv'e been working hard
Uhm, just 15 things? There are a bit more

Btw, I'm not the only one who did something, and actually I'm not doing much for it anymore. banane is the current main-developer.
Bloodshot has written
but i was wondering if you could post a link to the unfinished version of S2EX-English.
No, sorry. atm, there isn't much more translated then in S2Std, and since I have my exams soon I can't do much more.
Plus, I don't always have the current developer version, but I know it contains several bug fixes, which I would prefer to have in the english release

when somebody would say "yeah ill translate", then id send him the actual developer version and hed translated it. When he has finished, i would always do updates for both versions so everything is up-to-date
Re: s2ext
GuestBizzl is the one who mentions it all of the time. I just assumed. So i guess that goes for both of you
Bloodshot has written
What I ment by objects was items - not buildings, skill enhancements, etc.
Well, there are still more than 15 new things

Solely from McLeafs object package comes 38 items

and a short grep sessions listed about 102 definitions from the items_ext_*.inf files

Bloodshot has written
Bizzl is the one who mentions it all of the time. I just assumed. So i guess that goes for both of you
mostly because I'm online more often then banane, so I'm doing most of the public work

Re: s2ext
Gast has written
How is the translation work going on?
slow, since I don't get any developer versions (and ergo no bugfixes)

Gast has written
I can't wait to see the completely new Stranded! 

it's not completly new, just extended

Re: s2ext

I'd like to translate the game to Polish language, but my deutsch is completely basic, so I wait for someone to translate it to english. ( I could use a translator or a dictionary, but I haven't that much time

Re: s2ext
But if you wait and translate 0207, i can always update both versions.
when do you plan to release S2Ext so i can prepare 4 this
Re: s2ext
Guest banane has written
well i don't know if anyone can wait. the only thing im changing right now is the diary entries and the item names. ok i can wait but these people are starving for a mod and i will give them one. i will release the english version then i will work on 2.0.7. ok?would you please wait with translating until s2ext is out? if you do, we can always give out the newest version in english, too. Otherwise, I won't be able to fix all the bugs etc in your translated version, too, simply because its too much.
But if you wait and translate 0207, i can always update both versions.
But if you wait and translate 0207, i can always update both versions.
to TheKilledDeath im not going to need help until 2.0.7 comes out but here is my email: - Email address (only visible with login) -(its a old account i kept for 6 years which explains the name.)
bloodsheder has written
well i don't know if anyone can wait. the only thing im changing right now is the diary entries and the item names. ok i can wait but these people are starving for a mod and i will give them one. i will release the english version then i will work on ok?
You really should wait, since is pretty buggy, and it would be wasted work, anyway (you aren't allowed to release it on your own, it's inhibited through our license)