HudaJan only has to accept me in icq

Sooner! | 19.40% (39) | |
With map! | 73.13% (147) | |
NEVER, bother off!!! | 7.46% (15) |
ME: you want to extend the adventure anytime? HudaJan ‎(20:43): I dont think so. I gave it up [laughing] -- ME: or maybe you are going to translate this in german? HudaJan I can't speak german, even not a world... HudaJan I already translated it to Czech but that's all But maybe YOU could translate it ME: maybe ..^^ how you got the idea to make a mod?(is this right english^^) HudaJan : I don't know, I wanted to make big island adventure and kidnap was the first what crossed my mind... The begining was reaaaly hard I almost gave it up a lot and lot of times..... ME: where do you learned scripting? HudaJan: (thanks to DC and EwokChieftain) From the translated scripting tutorial and from the Adventure of Stranded 2 ME: thanks for the interview