
You want it sooner without map or later even with map?
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Sooner! | 19.40% (39) | |
With map! | 73.13% (147) | |
NEVER, bother off!!! | 7.46% (15) |
201 votes cast

Nice work there. Makes me want to build a time machine and go forward in time and get your mod. (and mabey get a lottery ticket?:P)
Seriously though, I can't wait until you finish this mod, i really need to use the circular saw


Re: Kidnap Mod
GuestThough, it would be better if the oak tree had its own texture, so one can recognise it better.
And I believe I can think of a more interesting behaviour for the tamed squirrel: You could make a one-way exchange with our little squeaker (mass limited). It buries the items that you give to it and leaves a little pile of earth there. When you use that pile, the pile vanishes and you obtain your stuff again.
That way, it could serve as a "small storage creator". After setting up one of those piles, it turns back into a normal squirrel, and if you want to have another storage pile, you must feed it again. So you need a certain number of acorns for a certain amount of storage space.
It's useful and close to the natural behaviour of squirrels... what more do you want?

I thought about this: you can "collect" the squirrel and it'll help you to carry more stuff. It'd be the same as butterfly, but it should carry more stug (for example 3000g?)
And carrying heavy stuff is not exactly a speciality of squirrels in nature... in contrast to burying things in order to store them.
EwokChieftain has written
But there's already the butterfly and the carrier monkey (in 1.0.1, carries 10.000g) for the same purpose! This would be nothing new, it would be downright boring to have three units for carrying.
And carrying heavy stuff is not exactly a speciality of squirrels in nature... in contrast to burying things in order to store them.
And carrying heavy stuff is not exactly a speciality of squirrels in nature... in contrast to burying things in order to store them.
Well and carrying heavy stuff is a speciality of butterflies??
But yes, you're right.. I'll do something with it. But it wont be my main aim. I have another things to do.. And I have to postpone indefinitely the deadlimit

Re: Kidnap Mod
GuestI presume you mean "when will this mod be available please?"
Please post full sentances from now on.

[/mod mode :P]
And I totally agree, I need that mod :P. Nah, post it when your ready, I'd rather have quality than quickness.
P.S. What about making the squirrels collect random objects from the island, e.g. bullets, shells, leaves etc. Basically small stuff that they drop to you when you sleep.
A slight change to the head of the parrot, a smaller scale, a different texture... voilà.
I make that counter-proposal because the monkeys already do collect things for the player. This unit is not tameable and does it automatically, so it's different.
The player would just have to be notified about it in the campaign.
Re: Kidnap Mod
(if you're asking what WIP is, it is Work In Progress, so I'm stil working on it

Re: Kidnap Mod