
penguin adventure (map) question
21 replies
Mc Leaf isn't the main instructor of this game (or even the creator), you know...
And he isn't even a mod, too. He can't close threads.
And what exactly do you not understand? No one can help you if you don't tell us the exact problem, it's a bit much to write EVERYTHING about this game.
Anyway, for such questions there is the Newbie Questions thread
It's no good idea to ask for not closing, too. It doesn't help anything and just makes you look stupid.
asking questions on maps is allowed in this forum, and FOR GODS SAKE stop whimpering that I shouldn't close this thread. Did I ever say I'm going to close this?
edited 1×, last 02.12.07 09:55:41 am
kenji has written
i just want how can i make that metal fabric and if you know all the the list of combination paste it here plzzz in penguin adventure at the extention mod of stranded
"metal fabric"? Do you mean... iron? So just build a kiln (you're able to do this, after solving a quest in Monkey's Village - and if not, you'll have to buy it

Btw: Maybe I really should think about a translation. Anyhow the english user could help me to find spelling or grammar bugs after I translated it...

...\stranded2\mods\Stranded II\sys\*all the combination_---.inf*
and another thing don't post personal things into the forum. pn is okay.
edited 1×, last 12.12.07 04:24:11 pm
kenji has written
give me a hint plzz and what to do so i finish the first island and the rest of them
To finish the first island you'll have to find a key and help a pirate... To find the key, you have to build a specific building I just don't remember atm (I think it was the treehouse and the big hut).
Better to ask such questions in the "Newbie Questions"-thread by the way...

EDIT: Oh... my mistake

Walking along the beach you'll find a barrel containing some slime. A german (yellow) text will apear which is meaning something around "If I am right, then there must be another island in the direction the bent palm is pointing at". Build a dugout and swim in this direction to get ahead...
And if I would try to explain you how to solve the complete adventure, I surely would sit here till next weak - as I told you once. But feel free to ask if you really shouldn't progress with the adventure.
edited 1×, last 12.12.07 04:34:32 pm
i schould not do that i know. next time post in the newbie questions. somebody close this thread. i know that you don't want that but when everybody do that...ä know
spf357 has written
i schould not do that i know. next time post in the newbie questions. somebody close this thread. i know that you don't want that but when everybody do that...ä know
No, he just meant the PenguinAdventure...

spf357 has written
and if i'm not wrong is that a spam
no, i have a question to pengiun adventure.? the when i'm nearly redy with the unpacking the system say's that i should try to complete the installation after a new-start

If I should be right, you're german. So you also can ask me in german.

But to answer your question: No, you don't have to restart. But besides I would suggest to use Extension Mod v. instead of the current version, because I didn't tested it with the current version and cannot guarantee, that there aren't no probs with it.
jeru has written
i registered
That's fine.

How can I give the money to the oldest in MV to buy the ship Queen Monkey? This is too much to carry for one time... Cath more butterflies?
What to do with the cirlce of stone in the cave?
The map is very interesting, but now I don't know what to do.

I don't understand german. Maybe someone in MV said what to do with the cristals. I'm translating only the diary and a few dialogs, so I'm in trouble...
Alina has written
@Mc_leaf: It was very hard, but finally I passed all the quests in MV, found 7 cristals and the Ankh...
Since it is in german... quite good!

Alina has written
what to do with the cristals?
Afair you have to collect seven of them (as you already have). Go to this... I just call it "stonehenge"... (should be in the north (?) of "Monkey's Refuge" - the smaller one of both villages) and drop them under these stoned... "doors" or what they are called.
Alina has written
And where I can find the penguin?
After dropping the crystals you will have to solve a little puzzle again... After solving it (should start snowing now) you'll have to get to "Pinguin Insel" (should be marked on the map after talking to one of the traders).
(just 'use' a penguin and get right back to the oldest in MV then)
Alina has written
How can I give the money to the oldest in MV to buy the ship Queen Monkey? This is too much to carry for one time... Cath more butterflies?
Yes. Other possibility was to get trained by the trainer in "Monkey's Refuge".
Alina has written
What to do with the cirlce of stone in the cave?
Circle of stones? In a cave...? The pirate's cave... (which is darkened)? Then it should be just a fireplace. But it seems you already have been there, because you've got all the crystals.
Alina has written
I don't understand german. Maybe someone in MV said what to do with the cristals. I'm translating only the diary and a few dialogs, so I'm in trouble...

See above, hope it will help.
(also hoping my english isn't as bad at all