
399: You say: "Whares my compus?"
400: You say: "How the hell do I go back to the Main Menu?!"
403 When your surprised at your firing not being out when its raining. (inside the house of course)
404 When you try to make spears to hunt a parrot.
405 When you build 5 different "settlements" in your backyard each with its own purpose...
406 When you kill your dog cause you need the meat it offers,
407 When you're disappointed that your kiwi nest doesn't produce kiwis.
408 You go into the water with the hopes of shooting an arrow and hitting a fish.
409 When you drown cause you normally have 15 seconds under the water swimming around without any problems.
410 When you walk up to an indian and give them bread and expect spears back.
411 When you walk up to someone in glasses hand them some iron pieces and request a rocket.
412 When you try to take down the police with a couple spears
413 When you climb a palm tree to sleep the night
414 When you start building things without nails and then are surprised when they break apart.
415 When you try to plant trees and surprised they don't grow in several days.
416 When you try to make cord out of cotton... (you would be surprised to know how hard it is, let alone how fragile cotton cord is...)
417 When you try to speak the monkey tongue
418 When you try to find a raptor,
419 When you look for that teleporter that will take you home
420 When you start standing over the fire and just showing your food to get it cooked.
421 When you use poop to poison that pesky cat.
422 When you set up a trap and try to catch a snail in it.
423 When you try to eat a coconut without breaking it open first.
424 When you try to store 25 logs in a small cover cause you might use them later.
425 When you start trying to build a well by just piling stones ontop of eachother
426 When you start looking for iron or gold or diamonds in the rocks as you pass them.
427 When you start to build herbal gardens without having any herbs in them
428 You start randomly hitting rocks and trees to get branches and stones
429 You start smashing rocks without eye protection (dangerous!!!)
430 You start trying to make a tent without stitching any skins together.
431 When you sit there and make a small fortune of you know you've had too much stranded 2 whens...
435. when you wake up you sing the main menu music*
436. when you was playing around you think you will get memory access violution
437. when you try the scratch the tree for sticks
436. you think that some seconds after you eat a plum you will poo in your pants,try it,and suprised nothing happens. then you say "Did you expect that to work?"

DontKnowToScript has written
(wow,lion hearted,where did that all come from?)
436. you think that some seconds after you eat a plum you will poo in your pants,try it,and suprised nothing happens. then you say "Did you expect that to work?"
to me
436. you think that some seconds after you eat a plum you will poo in your pants,try it,and suprised nothing happens. then you say "Did you expect that to work?"

I don't know!

438 When you buy a new computer cause the old one couldn't handle stranded 2's awesome graphics
440:You plan a trip to the university and ask a professor to make you an RPG Launcher.
441. You Wonder Why your Fireplace Was Missing The Next Day
443. when you fly a plane underwater while shooting from a pistol while looking the other way around
444. when you make a 444 reply
445. when you play stranded 2 mp and say 11 you hear a good sound

446. when you try to combine a stick with a rock and wonder why didn't you make a hammer
447. when you try to ride a boat and wonder why arent you up in the air.
448. when you go to the zoo and build a monkey school and give monkeys bananas
449. when you see a lion you use a slingshot to kill it in real life.
450. when you cant find pine appels in the jungel
451. 451
452. when you when you
453. when you make a building site in a building site
ow.. disgusting.."