
339: When You Watch "Monkey Hour" On Animal Planet, And Say, "Why Don't They Build A Monkey School?
340: When You Watch Survivorman Try To Catch Fish And Say "What's Taking So Long He Should Just Edit The 'game.inf'!"
342:you attempt to connect to unrealsoftware at school but it doesent work

344: When you get angry that your stranded 2 lags and piss on your PC!
NTD has written
and piss on your PC!
lol wut
345: when you carry a copy of stranded 2 around with you on a memory stick to put on every single pc in your school/collage so you can always sneack a few minets of game time in
346: carrying the save files in memory stick so you can play your game all the time
348: U can stay under the water for 5 minutes.
349: you beg DC to continue stranded so u can get that solder that dosen't show up in the editor*
350(YAY 350): you mod stranded so much you publish it as massive mod.
edited 1×, last 08.05.09 05:21:16 pm
352: You Hear Somebody Speaking In German And Come To To ask everyone for a translation (But You Never Get One)
edited 1×, last 23.05.09 03:00:21 pm
Woah, this thread rules.

359- you try to kill a lion with your hands instead of beating it to death with the branch/log you have.
360-when you post on this thread

363 when you look at your walls and think: Gotta build another hut
364 when you go for a walk and think: damn, forgot my axe and slingshot.
365 when you smoke weed and notice that it isn't flashing with colors in your eyes
bunnyhop has written
357: ,...when you read all these 356 points before.