Stranded II
You have played Stranded II too much when...
You have played Stranded II too much when...
270 replies 301. You are upset that you dont see 4 big lines floating in front of you.
302. You see someone fail at something and you say "Did you expect that to work?"
303. Your health drops as a result of 302 304. When you expect to start bleeding when your hungry or thirsty 305. to pick up something you must 'use' it
306. you were surprised that you can talk
307. you think a lion can hit you standing on a rock without hitting you ( if you dont understand i am meaning that a lion can hit you without touching you)
308. when you expect to see a menu when you look into your ruck sack
309. you think you dont see your hand or the stuff you using when you are hitting someone or something
310. same as 309 but doing something pivot, in that case i would die.. 311...when you can't find "real life.exe" in your life. Tau User
I hope this wasn't said before...
312. When you write scripts in irc intended to fight and kill other users and protect yourself (as it happened to me just a moment ago
). 313. you dream of stranded 2 everytime you sleep 314: when you try to download a mod into your life
(i hope no-one else has it) 315: If You can't sleep at night, You just have to set a "Zzz" icon in character manu. 316: you cram things into your rucksack saying "i can carry these very very long and very light poles but they dont fit! how is that possible?" lusi COMMUNITY BANNED
317:when i found cheat... 318: when you hit rocks to find stones 319: you try to cut tree by a fishing rod
320: you made in 0.5 second nice arrow
321: you killed lion by a fist
322: you are riding at raptor around the city
323: you "poisoned" your house 324: when you rename your Name to Mr.Stranded
325: You cant talk with other people because Stranded does not have Multiplayer
326: You want to build a Boat with 30 Sticks and 20 leafs 327: You try to play stranded 2 in your head. 328: you tried to load saved game when you die. 329: you try to cheat stranded 2 but your PC lags as HELL When you punch trees and rocks. 331:you attempt to cut down a tree with your bare hands 332: you try to coax a monkey to carry stuff for you