Hiho all,i have download english version
But i have a new problem.
In the teleportation stone you must put 26 "Childrens of sea"... What's it is?? A Clam?? Fishes?? Plzz telll ;p
I can climb trees in Random Island, just by jumping onto the top of the leaves of the palm trees and jumping to other ones. I've gotten pretty high before.
The game is VERY slow and even when my charecter isn't moving it sounds like he is.... help?
check your DirectX (dxdiag from the "Run.." Dialog)
If this is running slow, too, try to update your graphic card drivers and directx.
I also noticed that S2 doesn't run very well on certain notebooks (HP NX-Books and some Dells).
That the ambient sfx (that's all your hear whenever nothing happens) sounds crappy must be your sound cards and/or speakers fault.