
just build some more buildings to go on with the story.
Finally, how can I transport water? It is annoying always going back to that same spot for water.
EDIT: How do I put mods into the game?
EDIT2: How do I make arrows?
One last EDIT (I hope): On the first island, I got the lockpick but I don't have a use for it! Also, how can I get the crate that is stuck in the rocks out?
edited 2×, last 29.05.10 08:23:23 pm
to put a mod into the game you need to move the folder of the mod into the following folder:
C:\\Program Files\Stranded II\mods\ (the first part of this path might be different)
just put the mod-folder in there and then use e.g. the mod-starter to start it.
I'll put the answers to your other questions in spoilers so someone who hasnt come to these problems in the game yet but wants to deal with the problems himself wont read them by mistake

lockpick & crate:

get the new version from here and stop bit torrenting
and you also did another thing wrong and that was that you downloaded the mod from a bit torrent site
How would you know Vibhor!

Vibhor has written
Old version
get the new version from here and stop bit torrenting
get the new version from here and stop bit torrenting
Vibhor has written
wrong massive mod version of course
and you also did another thing wrong and that was that you downloaded the mod from a bit torrent site
and you also did another thing wrong and that was that you downloaded the mod from a bit torrent site
Madmann has written
hello. i played stranded for a log time.just recently i installed massive mod. i have a newbie question- why my character doesnt know any building projects? there is even a n inscription that i do not know how to build.
1. Download it Here
2. Patches is at the Massive mod forum: Here
2. Vibhor, stop accusing without any proof. he never said he bit torrented it...
theres no other way to obtain that kinda version
BitTorrent is incredibly powerful, utilising the maximum speed of your line, allowing data to be shared at much faster speeds than direct download from a site and offers a fair amount of security. However, because of these traits, It has been seized upon by pirates. But that's not its only purpose! I frequently download FOSS and especially Linux distros through BitTorrent, as it's much faster and you can be reassured that the other people sharing have the exact same copy.
Stranded II is released under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license which would allow anyone to make a Stranded II BitTorrent and share it without any legal repercussions provided they had not modified anything. As for individual mods, you need the permissions of the respective mod-maker as well, but still, it's a perfectly legal method of data transfer.
BitTorrent is a good thing. Some abusers of the concept give it a bad name. That shouldn't distract you.
i am not talking Shit about Bittorrent by the way
On bittorrenting:
Actually the version of massive mod thats on torrent is only available on TPB so I dont think he would not pirate a game from that kinda site
and no I do not bittorrent even though knowing all of its greatness because the freeware people doesnt use it at all
Readme might help as well