@ Psytechnic
sounds fantastic. I'm installin net 3.5 now ... or would be if my connection would work. odd I can use the rest of the web no probs, but ms's net dl says I'm offline. gill bates has a lot to answer for, lol
what a fantastic tool.
unfortunately it seems to be refreshing its list constantly which makes it lag a bit, n I only have Gb ram on this pc (gotta rember not to let my son install it on the lappy he's using, rofl)
you sir are a steely eyed hero, lol
one crossbow to go then, lol
oh, n it took gates site 3 goes + reboots to install 3.5fx
- n he wunder4s why people hate him, uhmmm edited 1×, last 16.04.10 11:43:13 pm
theHAPPYone has written
@ Psytechnic
sounds fantastic. I'm installin net 3.5 now ... or would be if my connection would work. odd I can use the rest of the web no probs, but ms's net dl says I'm offline. gill bates has a lot to answer for, lol
Assuming you're using XP, most of MS's own installers use some services (click "Start >> Run" and type "services.msc" or go to "Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services") on your PC called "Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)" to send files to you without interfering with your main activity. I.e. BITS slows down your download of their product while you use your browser so it doesn't affect the browser's performance. However, for some people, this service is set on "manual", meaning it only runs when something initialises it which is usually automatic updates, however, some of their installers don't have the system rights to start this service even if they require it. Another service with this exact same problem is "Windows Installer".
If either of these services are not running, then the installer will fail. In the services console, you can highlight a service and right click >> properties to start the service.
I hope this helps. hi folks,
what are tower defences supposed to do? DC Admin
are you talking about the tower defense map? you have to build towers with your gold by using the stones on the ground with [E]. afterwards you have to use the sign at the beginning of the path with [E] to start a wave. the towers will shoot at the animals. the goal is to kill all enemies with towers before they reach the end of the path.
you get gold for killing animals which can be used to build more towers or to upgrade towers for the next wave. *Spoiler Alert*
In Adventure mode, can you go back to previous islands? DC Admin
no, you can't (unless you have a save game you can load...) theHAPPYone has written
hi folks,
what are tower defences supposed to do?
if you are talking about the buildable defense tower in Random/Adventure mode , its a tower that shoots arrows at hostile animals
refueling the thing is not needed , it can fire for as long as it likes @FD God,
cheers mate.
poor little kiwis didn't stand a chance, lol did you even test?
Kiwis don't even hit you , so they are not hostile and thus ignored by the Towers he is talkin about tower defence map im having trouble puttin a mod on Stranded how do i put it there It depends on how the mod is distributed. They're (usually) distributed as a compressed archive (.rar, .zip, .7z), but you can generally tell how to use it from the file structure of the archive.
(Note: <Mod Name> is the name of the mod. <Mod Folder Name> is the name of the folder the contains all of the files and folders needed for the mod to execute. For example, the <Mod Name> could be "Stranded II Extension Mod", but the <Mod Folder Name> would be "S2Ext".)
Case 1: If the archive has StrandedII.exe with a folder called "mods" (and possibly a <Mod Name>.bat file), then that is generally a complete mod already integrated into S2 and can be launched by simply launching the StrandedII.exe (or <Mod Name>.bat file if it exists).
Case 2: If the archive contains a <Mod Name> folder and inside it has all of these folders:
gfx, maps, saves, sfx, skies, sprites, sys, tutorial
Then it is a complete mod package that needs to be integrated. This is done by extracting the <Mod Folder Name> folder to the "mods" folder of a standard S2 installation.
Then, you can run StrandedII.exe with the command line arguments -mod "<Mod Folder Name>".
Start >> Run >> Cmd (Opens command prompt)
In command prompt:
cd C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Desktop\stranded2_en (Or wherever the StrandedII.exe is)
strandedII -mod "<Mod Folder Name>"
This can be a bit confusing. It's much easier to go to the StrandedII.exe folder, make a new text file called launch.bat or <Mod Name>.bat and write this in it:
@echo off
title Run <Mod Name>
start StrandedII.exe -mod "<Mod Folder Name>"
save this and now you have a permanent shortcut to launching that mod.
Case 3: If the archive only contains some of the afore mentioned folders, for example, just "sys" and "gfx", then this is a patching mod that has to be placed over a standard S2 installation.
Go to the mods/StrandedII folder of the standard installation and extract all files from the archive into that folder. You WILL need to overwrite the original S2 files. Then, simply launch StrandedII.exe to play.
THIS IS NOT A CONCLUSIVE LIST and some mods do not conform to this. You should ALWAYS ask in the respective mod's thread the correct method for installation. This is just a guide.
My suggestion for the best mod layout is this (Note: '+' denotes a folder, '-' denotes folder depth).
Archive Root/
<Mod Name>.bat
-+<Mod Folder Name>
Distributing mods like this will allow users to simply extract to their main Stranded II installation and have a side-by-side install, making it possible to have all your favourite mods in one portable install. 2 questions...
1.How do i send messages to other users?
2.How do you delete maps, is there a way to delete them in-game? @1 ???
@2 no i don't think so. The HaXOr has written
2 questions...
1.How do i send messages to other users?
2.How do you delete maps, is there a way to delete them in-game?
1. You mean PM on forums? Messages(near logout) -> Write new message. And if you mean Multiplayer Stranded, Enter opens chat.
2. Delete map files in folder maps. No way to do it in-game. may i make a suggestion?
Editor -> Map -> Delete Another newbie question...
I am still kinda new to Unrealsofware and don't know how to put screenshots up
when i press img in the lovely selection of distracting smileys to the left it comes up with image path. Yeah... That is where i get stuck.
what am i supposed to do from there?
i like cookies
yay it worked, thanks! edited 6×, last 23.05.10 11:35:21 am
I have seen some server with you and presentiert sry I have not asked to you that are here watch
copies me if I yours stranded 2 server should also point please name and password servers point
я смотрел у вас несколько server и presentiert sry я не спросил вам ее являются здесь смотрят https: // forums.hamachi.cc/viewtopic.php? P=73089*73089 списывает меня если я ваш stranded 2 server также должен указывать, пожалуйста, name и password servers указывают
Admin/mod comment
other languages are not allowed (even if you add a translation)! read the rules! /DC I wanna make my own map and do a yacht moving to the flag , I checked Dc's original Adventure map but I still dont get how the Yacht goes to the flag, Plz help