plant over 20 grains and locusts will come

plant over 20 grains and locusts will come
i am asking the NUMBER of them , not how its triggered
FD god has written
do i look like i don't know that if 20 grains are present , locusts will come?
i am asking the NUMBER of them , not how its triggered
i am asking the NUMBER of them , not how its triggered
I think only chance of locust attack is affected by number of grain.
Szkieletor has written
I think only chance of locust attack is affected by number of grain.
FD god has written
do i look like i don't know that if 20 grains are present , locusts will come?
i am asking the NUMBER of them , not how its triggered
i am asking the NUMBER of them , not how its triggered
I think only chance of locust attack is affected by number of grain.
I've looked at script now, and I can say that if you have more than 30(?) plants, on EVERY grain with chance 1 of 3 grasshopper will appear. I mean, if there would not be rnd(chance 1 of 3), number of grains=number of grasshoppers
FD god has written
thanks V666 , i didn't even bother looking at the script , looks like i will have to do so if i am going to ask questions
Yep, always a good idea to read the scripts. The particular script you're talking about is held in "game.inf" after the "//Sleeping" section and looks like this:
//Plague? 					if (count("object",121)>$s2g_plagues){ [b](If the amount of planted grain is greater than the global value for plague triggering)[/b] 						if (skillvalue("plant")>40){ [b](If your planting skill is above 40)[/b] 							if (random(1,3)==1){ [b](You have a one in three chance of triggering a plague)[/b] 								$tmp=0; [b](Set a counting integer to 0)[/b] 								$tmp2=random(5,7); [b](Set a target integer as a random integer between 5 and 7. This is where we specify the randomness of how many "locust" appear.)[/b] 								loop ("objects",121){ [b](loop this event around objects with ID 121)[/b] 									$tmp++; [b](Increase counting integer)[/b] 									if ($tmp>=$tmp2){ [b](If counting integer exceeds target integer)[/b] 										$tmp=0; [b](reset the counting integer)[/b] 										$id=loop_id(); [b](get grain ID)[/b] 										$x=getx("object",$id); [b](Get grain location)[/b] 										$z=getz("object",$id); [b](Get grain location)[/b] 										create "unit",43,$x,$z; [b](Place a locus at the grain location)[/b] 									} 								} 								freevar $id,$x,$z; [b](free the grain variable)[/b] 							} 						} 					}
With this system, if you exceed the "30" grain limit by one (31), and say you get a target integer of 6, your counting integer would equal your target integer 5 times, spawning 5 locus...
Keep in mind, this is purely my interpretation of this and I may be in need of correction, but yeah, that's the general layout.
I should mention that I played the game a lot at first and tried a lot of planting methods, but I find that if I have my grain laid out in a 5 x 6 grid, I don't get any locus. You reap 90 grain, 30 you use for planting, the rest you use for dough and put the remainder into storage. You build up a lot of grain with this method.
Edit: Corrected a few mistakes.
edited 5×, last 04.04.10 12:30:01 am
Psytechnic has written
freevar $id,$x,$z; (Kill the grain)
It doesn't kill the grain, it just remove variables for more memory
lerzero has written
Yeah. I'm actually using the massive mod.. hmm. That might explain things.
Then add to fireplace(by using) something wooden.
I built it weeks ago (in game time) along with a herb garden that works fine, but the garden isnt giving me anything from either digging in it or using 'E'.
what noobie thing am I doing wrong?
are there any bananas or cocnuts on the first island?
am I right in thinking the only way to make fire using a bit of bark and a branch is to have already made the fireplace?
I've been deliberately avoiding opening the box 'cos I want to be fully prepaired for what comes next, but I can't find bananas or so cant tame parrots or monkeys.
I've been through this topic over and over looking for help n didnt see anything.
cheers in advance for any help.
theHAPPYone has written
hi, I've been playing for a cpla days now, and have managed to get my third attempt up to 65 days with a surplus of everything apart from the garden thing.
I built it weeks ago (in game time) along with a herb garden that works fine, but the garden isnt giving me anything from either digging in it or using 'E'.
what noobie thing am I doing wrong?
I built it weeks ago (in game time) along with a herb garden that works fine, but the garden isnt giving me anything from either digging in it or using 'E'.
what noobie thing am I doing wrong?
A normal garden doesn't "give" anything you have to pick up. Every day or so, it spawns a butterfly near it which allows you catch them with a net and stock up on them, increasing your available carry weight by 500g. If you build about 10 gardens and harvest butterflies for about a week, then you can carry stupid amounts of items. Remember to space them apart as the spawning works on a range effect. I.e. If there are no butterflies in range of garden, spawn one.
theHAPPYone has written
are there any bananas or cocnuts on the first island?
I've never found any. You get coconuts in the second island. I think you get bananas too.
theHAPPYone has written
am I right in thinking the only way to make fire using a bit of bark and a branch is to have already made the fireplace?
Yes, first you have to build a camp fire. Then, while standing over the fire, looking directly at it, do the branch + bark combination. However, there is a fair probability that you will fail, so this may take some attempts, and if you fail, you still lose the branch and bark, so you might need a small stock. An alternative to this is finding the 2 flint stones on the first island. You can take them in hand and attack the fire with it to light it.
However, once the fire is lit, take a branch in hand and use it in the fire to light it (makes a torch). Strangely enough, when it rains, the torch goes out, but when it stops, it miraculously lights again, giving you a permanent source of fire.
Then, you just take your torch in hand and whack the unlit fire a few times to relight it after raining.
theHAPPYone has written
I've been deliberately avoiding opening the box 'cos I want to be fully prepaired for what comes next, but I can't find bananas or so cant tame parrots or monkeys.
This is not possible on the first island.
theHAPPYone has written
I've been through this topic over and over looking for help n didnt see anything.
cheers in advance for any help.
cheers in advance for any help.
No problem, I hope this helps.
theHAPPYone has written
hi, I've been playing for a cpla days now, and have managed to get my third attempt up to 65 days with a surplus of everything apart from the garden thing.
I built it weeks ago (in game time) along with a herb garden that works fine, but the garden isnt giving me anything from either digging in it or using 'E'.
what noobie thing am I doing wrong?
I built it weeks ago (in game time) along with a herb garden that works fine, but the garden isnt giving me anything from either digging in it or using 'E'.
what noobie thing am I doing wrong?
Well, the garden doesn't do anything for you as such as hitting it and so forth, its supposed to give you a description when you use e on it... but that bug hasn't been fixed yet and I don't think its going to get fixed any time soon... even though you could fix it yourself.
This is the description that goes with the garden.
"This beautiful garden is a perfect place for butterflies. There will daily appear new ones."
The garden merely produces butterflies which in turn give you more weight control. To get butterflies, merely make a net, (branch-cord) and with the right mouse button catch butterflies, they will appear in your inventory as negative weight, which means, they help you hold more.
And don't worry your not the first to get confused.
theHAPPYone has written
are there any bananas or cocnuts on the first island?
Not that I remember...
theHAPPYone has written
am I right in thinking the only way to make fire using a bit of bark and a branch is to have already made the fireplace?
Actually no... flint is another way to light fires... and alot more reliable then branches and bark... on the adventure map (1st map) you'll find flint on the mountain that has the metal, one of them more-less beside the metal, and the other lower down the slope toward the poison flowers and fishing pools.
Also, you can light a branch by standing next to the fire and using it, the branch will then become a torch which you can use to hit... everything... and set almost anything on fire... you could do the same thing I did and set fire to your entire forest

But that's not suggested...
theHAPPYone has written
I've been deliberately avoiding opening the box 'cos I want to be fully prepaired for what comes next, but I can't find bananas or so cant tame parrots or monkeys.
I've been through this topic over and over looking for help n didnt see anything.
cheers in advance for any help.
I've been through this topic over and over looking for help n didnt see anything.
cheers in advance for any help.
Well, for one, you can't tame parrots... so don't bother trying while expecting something... as for monkeys, yes, you can tame them, but not without bananas and I don't think you have any on that one island...
Enjoy the game!
LOL!!! while typing out my answer you already got an answer!

thanks for the info.
I've been notepadding bits n bobs as me n my son find them (this is actually his account 'cos the admin system wont let u make more than one account from a static ip, grrr). right now he's having fun with raptors, rofl, on a spare lappy.
looks like its time to head off n open the box them, lol
Need any further help don't hesitate to contact us.

EDIT: Also, thehappyone, I use a new graphic package offered by a user here, but I think the old/original package had the banana trees looking rather like the regular palm trees, but if the island has been going for a couple/few days then hopefully there will be bananas on i. They appear quite close to the main part of the tree/trunk, but up quite high , where it "branches" off to leaves. Slingshot/bows can knock the fruit down
edited 2×, last 15.04.10 10:22:45 pm

theHAPPYone has written
@ Lion_Hearted & Psytechnic
thanks for the info.
I've been notepadding bits n bobs as me n my son find them (this is actually his account 'cos the admin system wont let u make more than one account from a static ip, grrr). right now he's having fun with raptors, rofl, on a spare lappy.
looks like its time to head off n open the box them, lol
thanks for the info.
I've been notepadding bits n bobs as me n my son find them (this is actually his account 'cos the admin system wont let u make more than one account from a static ip, grrr). right now he's having fun with raptors, rofl, on a spare lappy.
looks like its time to head off n open the box them, lol
I created my mod viewer (link in my signature) to really help first time users with understanding what the available combinations were and what buildings require what. It's still in development for this community, but it can really give a good detailed display of what links there are in any particular mod.
I know this may seem like a shameless plug, but the idea of this program was that it would be used by first-time players and mod makers alike. This way, you can avoid waiting time for a response on the forums. I hope this helps in some way.