I'm trying to create a mapping concept where I use maps from CS3D, shrinks it, compact it and make it more fast paced for CS2D, I'm not sure how much it will affect map balancing but here my current progress for de_ancient from CSGO.
I'm still working on the layout since I think it still has some room for improvements. Some feedback would be nice.
It's quite cool, but it literally takes less than 5 seconds to go to middle from T base, and it looks quite weird, unbalanced.
You can experiment it yourself in CS:GO how long it takes from a point to go to another point, then try same in CS2D, and balance it based on that. You can try it once, then you can use some math calculations so you won't have to repeat it for every point.
I don't think many players would like ancient. Trying a map like cs_apollo would be much better IMO.
The idea is to make a fast paced gameplay with shortened route, but maybe i should extend it a bit further for t spawn, I be updating it more in the official discord server since its easier to post pictures there.
Instead of making a usable tile set, I decided to give using a sprite the size of the entire map to bypass the editor limits when it comes to variety and blending techniques. Maybe this method isn't a good one, for the fatigue is real. Pretty much everything is alright until I started tracing over the carvings, with a mouse with no photoshop and yet it still looks kinda awful. Not sure if I want to keep on working on it.
You should always keep in mind that weapons having bullet range, m4 is appproximately 30 tiles, so u have to build your map with tactics possibilities, like if you know someone fire u from mid u can go farther than the bullet range and go safe.
Keep that in kind and u have less problems with map scale, it should be not only the bigger scale but longer distances between popular positions.
The smaller it is - the more it shootable. So is shit at start.
I'm not that even good at tactics but in some cases game mechanics helps u to build map right.
/sry my English is shit
@ Mora: 30 tiles might be a bit too stretched out for a map, cs2 don't have bullet range as a mechanic either. I was considering making a smaller fast paced map with the playstyle similar to that of de_cs2d. My current layout is much more closer to the original since I basically traced the minimap in the editor but I'm not quite satisfied due to how wide certain areas is. As for the gunplay tactics and cover spots you mentioned, I might need to alter certain areas to make it more 2d friendly, de_cs2d did it quite well with the right amount of obstacles making gunplay much more engaging.
@ mrc: I might be able to learn a thing or two from yours, I quite like the certain aspects notably how you make the original map more compact.