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English Bug with Reflections?

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old Bug with Reflections?

User Off Offline

Tried playing Stranded 2 again after a long time and there seems to be a bug with the water reflections. The reflections hover above the items instead of reflecting on the water. Anyone know a fix?


old Re: Bug with Reflections?

Admin On Online

The water reflections were always broken in certain situations. Unfortunately this can't be fixed easily*

*) with easily I mean by just changing some settings. In order to fix this the code would have to be changed and the game would need to be recompiled. I'm not patching Stranded II anymore so I won't try to fix this. Sorry

old Re: Bug with Reflections?

User Off Offline

Thanks for the quick answer its not a big deal anyways just wondered if there was an easy fix. Since not I will just play anyways haha.

old Re: Bug with Reflections?

Super User Off Offline

user DC has written
The water reflections were always broken in certain situations. Unfortunately this can't be fixed easily*

*) with easily I mean by just changing some settings. In order to fix this the code would have to be changed and the game would need to be recompiled. I'm not patching Stranded II anymore so I won't try to fix this. Sorry

Why not add RTX support? Lol joke
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