Draft citydamar_q8 BANNED Offline 30.04.16 07:36:16 pm hey guys i wonder if anyone has v.1.7- or 1.6 or lowwer or higher maps i really want it please help
Re: Draft cityBlockertk BANNED Offline 30.04.16 08:24:22 pm i need a scripter which can add stuff and has skype edited 1×, last 01.05.16 12:52:37 am
Re: Draft citylenovo GAME BANNED Offline 01.05.16 04:28:55 am I have the maps, but you need explain to me what you want do with they
Re: Draft cityVADemon User Offline 01.05.16 05:58:33 am @ lenovo: Install [TOOL] Mapexport 2.3 + Listexport (Servertransfer) (21) Then load a map and type "mapexport windows" in console. Once it finishes there will be a folder with the map contents inside the CS2D folder. Thank you