Jail Map [ideas]
Jail Map [ideas]
3 replies Dear
I want to ask for some help, i am making a Jail map and there is still much stuff already finished but you might have an idea for another room which you think would be usefull btw nice in a Jailbreak map.
this shouldnt be advertisment
if moderators think it is a trash post, well do it in trash ;o
Regards Daenerys, It's me Jepo.. Don't you think that the T cells are a little bit bigger than the usual
Inflexion: Well, the area next to the cells are bigger than normal but i will "fix" the design of the cells again. If you mean the VIP cells, even they are for "VIPs".
I have also a second question and dont want to make a second thread for it:
If i edit some own pictures so that they looks not like the normal one i try to fill the taken space with the black colour so that i could remove them inside with Masked:4, what is the problem?
Whats the diffrent between normal sprites and the one which i made on my own?
I hope that you understand what i try to explain. @
Jite: The terrorists normal cells not the VIP ones.
For the question, I didn't really understand because i'm not a professional gfx maker or something sorry Dae.