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English Outlast for CS2D

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old Outlast for CS2D

Super User Playing CS2D

Hi guys.

In this thread you can see my outlast project for cs2d.

I making this mod somedays and dont need any helper i can do all things my self, all is right now but why I opened this thread? Because i want to see your rates guys and some ideas.

∗ Game Information:
In this mod you cant fight anything you have just a flashlight for see anywhere in the dark. If you see any enemy just run, hide or die. Same with orjinal game.
and i have so many credits i cant write here but so much thanks
for what i got from you guys.

Anyways there is a some videos:

More >

thanks for read this thread, and I hoping you enjoyed this mod.
edited 7×, last 06.08.16 07:18:45 pm

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

Moderator Off Offline

Wow, it looks awesome, a lot like Outlast. I watched only the first 6 minutes of first video but I have a question: how are you going to handle the AI? I mean, there's certain types of asylum patients that roam and if u get in their sight, they chase you so you have to get away (squeeze through gap/ hide under bed or in locker/etc.) so how are you going to make those?
Also, you should probably hide the character in wall instead of putting him in a stealth suit since he can still be seen.

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

Super User Playing CS2D

I dont want to make hiding in lockers or under the beds in this project. Maybe will add.
EDIT: and why u just watched first 6 minutes, please watch all episodes.

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

User Off Offline

You really need to fix the sound quality. However it looks great so far. Keep it up!

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

User Off Offline

Although I hate this game because it scares me as fuck. But this mod is really great and very impressive!

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

User Off Offline

user Masea has written
My video recorder is not good enough. Its not about quality.
Thanks for comments.

You should try Fraps.

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

Moderator Off Offline

@user Masea: I'm afraid I'd rather watch the real thing than a 2D mod of it. I saw the first 6 minutes to see how you handled the mechanics and stuff. It looks great but 2D always makes it less exciting.

Add the hiding and AI, it's the core of the game. You go around the asylum doing the objectives when suddenly an AI pops out and you have to run away. It's like 90% of the game.

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

Moderator Off Offline

Although I never played nor going to buy this game near future (at the moment I often watch some good Outlast videos), these videos and the mod itself looks fascinating and great! Keep up and good luck with at finishing this mod.

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

Super User Playing CS2D

In this mod, I think my only bad is you cant hide in locker or under the beds. I dont waste my time for this. dont need so much, "run for your life" is enough.

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

User Off Offline

the animation effects are so nice and cute very interesting
I wish you release this map ASAP c:

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

Super User Playing CS2D

thanks for good comments dudes.
I dont want to release this but maybe I will make another mod and will release this. This mod is just for showing my map making skills.

soory my low level english.

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

Super User Playing CS2D

@user Mora: what are you talking about?
@user Rainoth: I already added AI system sometimes npc pop and try to catching you. You can see this in videos.
edited 1×, last 08.08.15 05:30:42 pm

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

User Off Offline

user Masea has written
@user Rainoth: I already added AI system sometimes npc pop and try to catching you. You can see this in videos.

Can you make them faster a bit?

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

Super User Playing CS2D

I made all game mechanics just left maps, Its probably finished at 30 agust.
@user sayori: Yes, i can but isn't it enough?
edited 1×, last 08.08.15 08:03:28 pm

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

User Off Offline

@user Masea: i mean your last video, where is that alot of water, i'm always scared the horror games/maps where is alot of water and darkness.-so - dat project it's nice, but if you just show your skills, what is the sense of making these?- just spend your time?..(interesting)

old Re: Outlast for CS2D

User Off Offline

user Masea has written
I made all game mechanics just left maps, Its probably finished at 30 agust.
@user sayori: Yes, i can but isn't it enough?

I was thinking that you will put sprint and where is Chris Walker?
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