[Note] I Re-Edit This Because I Was Drunk
The Game Play Is Like Payday
-Raid And Heist The Bank
-Stop Da Raid
Map Released
edited 3×, last 29.04.15 04:23:05 pm
Admin/mod comment
Moved it to the correct Section because someone wasn't smart enough to do it himself. Also goddammit could someone translate this post for me? /Leiche Internet points shouldn't be used to make decisions. ill delete this because i think you don't like this post sorry Yes choose @
J192: option thats the best 1
Why don't you show us screenshots of your map?
apex2d has written
Many Bugs...
And what are those bugs anyway? XoOt Super User
Why Do People Always Write Like This?
And i agree to
_oops &
GeoB99, it's always helpful to share real information about your project and it's progress, else we just think you search for someone to do all the shit for you.
XoOt has written
Why Do People Always Write Like This?
It Makes You Look Cool And Mature. Don't WOrry
I don't really get it. Should it be.. what? This thread should be named "Bank Heist Map" or something. Do you want any help or just show-off your map project? As
Leiche said, "could someone translate this post for me?" Hello CS2D players, Rexus here. I have created a map called [Black Heist] that not all of you know about. Had it hosted yesterday around 9PM GMT+7 for about 20 minutes, during which 8 players joined the server. The gameplay is supposed to resemble that of Payday but there are a shitload of bugs as a direct result of my incompetence.
-Raid the bank
-I like to gargle mayonnaise
-Stop the raid
-Let the highest score player on your team boss you around with terrible prepubescent decision making skills because that makes sense
This map will be released tomorrow but don't worry, nobody will give a shit.
There, translated. nice translate. especially 'I like to gargle mayonnaise'
and i want to see some screenshots at least.