@ useigor: Holy shit this is getting ridiculous. I'm done, screw you. DC will probably just believe you because you're mod and I have a long history of tempbans. I didn't make any screenshots when you removed it. Never expected you would act all innocent and shit.
@ GeoB99 & BountyHunter: This was mod abuse, and this is a thread about mods. If you don't have anything valid to say, don't post.
This may mean nothing, but Seekay's second image he used as his signature (after he used .gif) was a normal .png, and did get banned for it by Useigor because he believed it to be .apng.
And even though nothing else shall happen after this post has been read. I do think (note the "think") Useigor should stop being a little lying hacking moderator.
As I said before: Everyone makes mistakes. Let's just forget this particular case because we can't fully reconstruct it. @ Seekay: I want to apologize for all inconveniences you might have experienced because of possibly wrong moderation.
At the same time I kindly ask everyone to stop the accusations in this case and also to completely stop discussing this case. Thanks.
Luckily logging has been improved recently so we can reconstruct such cases much better in future and handle accordingly. This is a big plus for all of us.
That's true unfortunately. I want to emphasize how Seekay and Yates just became pretty offensive by saying stuff like
screw you
a little lying hacking moderator
Which is definitely very wrong and not cool. I won't temp ban in this situation but I want to point out that they are misbehaving.
@ useigor: Please just ignore what they just said and as I said before: I don't want this particular topic to be discussed any further as we can't verify what's true.
I dont get why some ppl dont like useigor all he do is help unrealsoftware, in case im not russian... I know my profile Say's im russian anyone can chose any country they want in us.de . why im typing this - so i dont get answers like you only protecting him because you from same country .
@ GeoB99: I agree with you i think this one and try time. He is inactive i remember what he post the best mods and scripts for Counter-Strike 2D and made the better for Unreal Software's, but he is inactive, Really.
Just wanted to say that Rainoth is doing a well job as Moderator, even if he removed my amazing dancing bagel gif and banned me for a day, but yea it was flashing and copied by others a couple of times #RIPdiscoBagel
I wonder how DC made @ Lee a moderator. Not to mean he's a bad moderator but he's the most inactive moderator than other moderators. I know, we've talked about this a hundred of time but I want to know if there's a rule or something that say to moderators "If you are not active for more than a month, you'll be demoted".
Just for curiosity.
I never was active in this community but then i started to visit here. I had like max 5 warnings total but now im ''Idiot'' ranked. Also it said that i got many warnings but i didnt get any in that week. Zero, could you tell me why, once you didnt answer my PM ?
It would be great honour to get banned by ohaz again.
Can't say that there are any "genuinely bad" moderators, since we've got rid of one, but sometimes, useigor could be more tact.
Other than that, mods do their job fine, even when you can't see them posting 24/7 (saw some whinning about EngiN33R, SQ and -and I don't know why- Leiche). They are doing fine.
The current moderators should really stop giving unnecessary temp bans. Every time I see a mod give a citation to a user for breaking one of the rules, they always ban that person for a huge amount of time, even if the the rule wasn't much of an issue.
The mods should minimize giving bans to users. They should only ban users if their violation is serious and bans for breaking not-so-important rules should only be given if they violate it continuously in one day. The duration for the bans should also be estimated on the seriousness of their violation.