How to remove a message
How to remove a message
12 replies I have an old map I made a message in it which shows my old forum I don't use anymore.
I wanna edit this message or delete it. Delete the entity which makes that message to appear? That's the problem, I forgot where I made the entity. Maybe you could somehow loop through the tiles with a lua script to find the entity. I think it should work for negative X and Y too, I guess...
Pseudon: I'm online @Skype it would be awesome to help me there
Just use Mafia_Man's Lua Script map editor and get the list of MSG entities then print their x/y/message string and you will know the exact coordinates. Use a notepad, open the .map file and Ctrl+F the string, change it to something. @
VADemon: or delete the entity and edit the entity count with hexedit. DC Admin
Open the map in-game (not in the editor) and enter the command entities (command is not documented) in the console. It should give you a list of all entities with their types and positions. If I remember correctly... @
Console only shows 500 lines, what if his map has more than 500 entities?
Can show you the exact line you need.
Thank you everyone.