lua in map
lua in map
5 replies Hey, who know why no work <name map>.lua ??? in cs2d/maps/ ?? You may have gotten Lua errors. Check the in-game console and report back with the errors. Also did you check that the Lua script has exactly the same name as the map you're playing on? it has to be exactly the same name ignore the extension it's just the name that needs to be the same. CS2D Beta
Changelog >
mp_luamap default setting is now 0 (disabled) for security reasons
mp_luamap now also affects (enables/disables) Lua scripts in entities (trigger_if)
... @
Pagyra: Ah I didn't realise that. Thanks for the informative reply though. I should've read the changelog in detail will do in the future.
Danilwra: All you need to do is change your server settings to allow Lua for maps and you will be able to run Lua with your map. Hope this helped you.
Danilwra: You're welcome I'm glad to be of help. If you got further questions you can always come to the forum and ask.