I can not use my Env_room!!!
I can not use my Env_room!!!
3 replies My CS2D client inside the map editor can not be used in Env_room,OH MY GOD!
Add it into the map without any changes! I modified the shadow height parameters have not been used on the map.
But before making the map can be used normally Env_room.
What should I do? Seeking help me!!! XoOt Super User
If the map is bigger than 100x100tiles so the lightengine isnt working. It would cause lags. If your map is smaller make sure you set the light in grapicoptions to low-high. @
XoOt: OH NO!My map size is 150x150 pixels,
What method can let env_room run? XoOt Super User
none. like i said before it works only with a smaller map