Stranded II
15 replies Hi Guys, this is my first time to play this game, this game awesome with real life mode,combination and building, i follow the walkthrough from google
When the boat explode into a piece,i'm wake up on the first island,i'm pick up all item and food from the boat pieces ,i build shelter and campfire,i'm be friends with 2 monkey, one day i'm run out the food,i'm make a 2 spear and hunt a lion,i got a big meat from lion, i fry it and eat it, tomorrow i'm feel hunger again i wanted to hunt a lion, but there is no lion at the forest, i so confused because the hungry bar was red and hurt me, so i kill 2 monkey,i kill 2 my friend for my life.Tomorrow i check again the monkey still not there, at the second day still same.
How much the monkey and lion cooldown for respawn again?
I want build a storage and hut, but i'm need log, i'm using torch and hit it to the tree, the tree be burning and at tomorrow the tree become 2 log, how to get log fast and easy? Please mind that there are other methods to gain food instead of hunting. The most effective for me are fishing and growing plants. Try planting berries or wheat. If you want to fish you'll need a fishing rod. If you want to get logs fast (and more effective than burning) I'd suggest using an axe... You can make an axe from stone and branches if I'm not mistaken. Actually, all combinations are in a notepad in stranded folder. I'm not sure where cause I've playd that game really long ago but ye... Lol thanks, i'm use axe now (hammer+iron+branch) and about the food i'm fishing now
You should also search for mushrooms, they are quite common near tree on the level... mushros however naturally spawn in the dirt here and there, they also spawn in mossy stuff.... dont eat the poison mushrooms... I'm try the poison mushroom,i'm get poisoned how to stop it? Find a bitter root. Then eat it. You'll puke what you ate as well as poison. Where i can find the bitter root? Near trees. Swampy-looking trees. Thank again
Now my problem is bleeding, when i'm hunt a lion, the lion come and hit me twice, i got bleeding, how to stop bleeding, plssss help me
You can combine a leaf with a vine to stop bleeding, or you can use a blue blossom, and just to be sure you don't get more stuck, combine a branch and vine to splint a fracture (fix a broken bone), there are healing herbs up on a mountain next to an infinite water source, and I'm assuming you are in adventure, if you build a treehouse or hut you will get a quest item, not spoiling it for ya though! Hope that helped! Thanks, i use the healing herbs near the infinite water source.
The healing herbs will respawn again there? i'm not sure about that, i haven went back there after i got them, but if i recall, there was a instance there when i was in the map editor that said something about it regenerating so yeah, maybe. Thanks again,
I want make a fire by using flint, i need 2 flint for it, i found the first one at the mountain, where another flint? I was bored using bark+branch because often failed,so plss help me where i can find another flint By hitting stone/iron etc. do u mean hammer+stone and hammer+iron or i'm hitting the stone/iron source Hit the stone/iron source.