Marc Sibly, developer of Blitz3D, released a new Blitz3D update which corrects some problems concerning Windows 8. I tested some of my own games on Win8, and they all ran very slowly (max. 10fps), and it was the same with Stranded 2. So, maybe DC, would you like to take a few minutes, download the newest Blitz3D update and re-compile Stranded 2? I remeber you did some fix for WinVista and 7, so that would be fine . - By the way, theoretically everyone who owns a legal copy of Blitz3D would be able to re-compile the game because it's open source. But if there was a new downloadable version, it would be simpler .
@ Marcell: Everytime you post stuff like this, a cute little puppy dies a horrible slow and painful death. Stop animal abuse - stop this Anonymous bullshit.
Please stop the off-topic posts about which OS is best. This is a never ending discussion and we don't have to have it in every thread which ever mentions any OS.
I just compiled it myself (german version) and it works as well. I uploaded the new .exe here, but if that's redundant or unwanted, I can delete it as well.
Not necessary (I removed your upload). I updated the German zip as well and it works as already said. Just the English one is causing problems for some reason.