This tutorial would allow you to know how to layering entities. It mean, more than 1 entities in a 1 tile

Please be aware that such hacks CAN lead to more or less critical errors. This includes putting multiple entities on the same tile. It may lead to misbehavior of AI, Lua scripts and other - even worse - things including freezes/crashes. This highly depends on the types of the used entities though. Stacking entities which do not affect the gameplay like effect entities probably won't cause problems. Anyway: I don't recommend to "hack" map files under normal circumstances. It may also completely break your map with new game updates and make it unusable.

1. Some entities may not function correctly when layered(most of Trigger_ entities)
2. You may need to learn this first
3. Actually this tutorial is requested by

1. Counter-Strike 2D Map
2. HexEdit
3. Knowledge about this

1. Open/Create CS2D map and add your entity that want to be layered. Also give the entity a name, it would more easier to find it.
2. Save the map
3. Open HexEdit(I use HexEdit 4) and open the map.

4. Find the entity name that want to moved to another position(In picture i use Info_CT)

5. Now it's the little confusing part. Please note that the entity format is like this:
String - Entity name, Linebreak afterwards(can be empty and just give a linebreak character(0D 0A)) Byte - Entity ID(List is here: thread:358933) 4 Byte - Entity X position in tile 4 Byte - Entity Y position in tile for i=1,10 do 	4 Byte - Entity number "i" setting 	String - Entity string "i" setting(linebreak afterwards, can be empty) end .. Next Entities ..
6. Check the position of the entity that would be the poisition of the another entity. Remember it

7. Go to the entity that would moved
8. Edit the bytes of the position to exactly of the first entity

9. Save
10. Test, open editor, if it works, then you may see Info_T and Info_CT in 1 tile

LayeredEntities - Used map in this tutorial |

edited 2×, last 04.02.14 06:41:48 am