Learn English dude.
Use the button entity which will activate the door(DYNWALL entity) (the second box is where you put a entity's name to activate it)
I'll just assume you want to make door open when you walk on certain tile. There are 2 ways.
Map entity "trigger_move" which you place and then assign which door to trigger in the "trigger" field. with a script which does basically the same but can manipulate everything a bit better.
1 2 3 4 5 6
function potato(id,x,y)
	if x == 1 and y == 1 then
		parse("trigger doorname")
1s being the coordinates of the tile where player has to stand and doorname being the name of the door that you want to open/close.
Personally. I'd go with method 1 since it's 10 times more simple just to make a door open with no extra conditions...
Now read the 3 points I wrote at the begining. AGAIN. I hope I helped you
I'll just assume that you didn't read what I posted since your comment was 8 seconds after I made mine. If you don't understand my own explanation, maybe I'll help you later by making you a video or sth of the most simple stuff. You should try experimenting. And again.. A person who understands english averagely will understand most of the stuff that entities do since it's possible to do it just from reading their names : "trigger_use","trigger_move","trigger_IF","trigger_start" etc.etc.