What is the use for the following:
-small and normal crystal shards
-bag with gold
You dont have to answer the question but if you to, knock yourself out. Thanx
Not all the items in Stranded II actually have a use. Some are just in the game for scripting and quests (e.g. "collect x bones" or stuff like that).
I'm not 100% sure but:
crystals: no use pearls: no use seaweed: edible (not very effective though) bone: no use excrement: makes you puke when you eat it (you can lose the fuddle state this way [which you can get by drinking too much wine for example]), you can also use it as slingshot ammo to poison enemies bag with gold: no use
crystals: Used in adventure and to trade with Pirate pearls: Trade with Pirate seaweed: edible (not very effective though) and used in adventure bone: Useless (I think that should be obtained through eating big meat ) excrement: makes you puke when you eat it (you can lose the fuddle state this way [which you can get by drinking too much wine for example]), you can also use it as slingshot ammo to poison enemies bag with gold: Trading
Bloodleaf - No use, only flora background Goldleaf - To make Healing Potion Bitterroot - Consumed cause vomiting effect Message in the bottle - used in adventure Wilson - Stranded Guy friend combined from ten branches and volleyball. Idea is from Cast Away movie.
i looked around for some uses of the bone and i found that u can use it to TAME A LION! so i guess bone is useful.
i dont know what it means when a vine can be used as a whip to drove animals though...