
New map Constrcution map De_War
8 replies
Okey Flar3 Press f5 to take snapshot snapshot comes your cs2d/screens
If your map are good

Just wondering on the side note how do you post files for usgn
File Archive

If you're uploading a different type of file, go to Skins/Sprites, Spraylogos, Lua scripts or Misc.
Flar3 has written
i named it

Flar3 has written
just message me

Why all ppls here is always using ''i'' ?
There's not a word in english liket this , it's '' I '' !
Stop using '' i , i'm ''

BTW, it's still "I named it" and "Just message me", you're not as perfect as you think.
Why all ppls here is always using ''i'' ?
Why do people here always use "i"?
There's not a word in english liket this , it's '' I '' !
There is no such word like that in English, it's "I".
Stop using '' i , i'm ''
Stop using "i" and "i'm".
And please remove the massive amount of turrets. Jeez.
Now, onwards to another matter of great importance; Demonn.

I named it is fine. Stop it.
Flar3 has written
just message me

To message is fine, seriously.

Why all ppls here is always using ''i'' ?
There's not a word in english liket this , it's '' I '' !
Stop using '' i , i'm ''
I , I'm
There's not a word in english liket this , it's '' I '' !
Stop using '' i , i'm ''

I am more intrigued to find out why you keep on trying to correct people and fail in the process, it's spam and annoying as you are doing more than half of it wrong. No one will ever learn English if you keep on posting.
Also it's like, not liket. Even if you did post liked that's still completely wrong.
Now stop failing to correct others.