kill control de_cs2drapli123 User Offline 20.12.12 03:42:26 pm hi you lake map de_cs2d? ok,kc/kill control de_cs2d you lake?,you lake map kc de_cs2d in server list ok you lake prees pool ok bye... soory bad inggris Admin/mod comment §4.1 - Use proper, understandable language. No dialects / translation tools.
Re: kill control de_cs2dYates Reviewer Offline 20.12.12 03:48:56 pm rapli123 has writtensoory bad inggris I am not sure if he is serious or not. I do not prefer the small map, AWP is kind of an obvious weapon to use and there is not really room for great tactics. Just basically closing the other one in.
Re: kill control de_cs2dEP User Offline 20.12.12 03:58:05 pm yus i lake de_cs2d i lake much press pool pl0x
Re: kill control de_cs2dDannyDeth User Offline 20.12.12 04:11:40 pm This might be one of the few cases where it might be better to use Google Translate...