Cs2D Germ v2.7 Mapkenanix User Offline 25.11.12 08:28:17 pm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cba6vUjtg5E&feature=youtu.be&hd=1 1 - good 2 - bad
Re: Cs2D Germ v2.7 MapStarkkz Moderator Offline 25.11.12 08:35:27 pm If you want to know that it's good or bad, then upload it to the file archive and then wait for the likes and comments.
-_- no realy good...Mami Tomoe User Offline 26.11.12 02:35:18 am in: 2:33 7:32 .. is use RCon for got 250Hp! Admin/mod comment §4.5 - Stick to the point! No off-topic posts!
Re: Cs2D Germ v2.7 MapStirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 10.12.12 12:49:21 pm Agree with @ Starkkz: , but map SUDDENLY 7/10. That`s good if u starting to make maps 2-3 month ago. And very good if this is your first one. I like SP maps like yours. Like!
Re: Cs2D Germ v2.7 MapStarkkz Moderator Offline 10.12.12 01:06:15 pm I just noticed the rules of topic FAQ/RULES - PLEASE READ!. If you want to post your maps do it here Custom Maps and Stuff. I'm closing this thread for useless content.