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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

read my previous post...only other thing i would suggest is go to your start up and disable ALL startup programs, then restart your computer. If i have anything else running its drags.

There is a timer in the game that does cause a small tick lag, but if its too severe and you have tried everything listed here then idk what else to do. Some computers run the mod scripts faster than others.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

you can try to play a smaller map...less environment to render may help improve performance.

The worst is if you moved the WATER DETAIL slider up in settings, at simply can't it kills performance no matter what, keep the water detail at 0.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I had already downloaded it and unzipped it to make sure it does. It has over 100 downloads right now, and nobody has reported this.

Occasionally when downloading from MediaFire you can receive a corrupted download, just re-download it, and it should unzip. Yes I compressed it properly with WinRAR.

PS. I just downloaded it and extracted it fine using you might need to re-download it, or use WinRAR to extract it.

old Bugs in latest Sept version

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Want to report two things:
1) Sulfur, for some reason, it's much rarer than saltpeter now. In fact I haven't managed to get a single one yet, while I already got 20+ saltpeter from mining the iron/gold rocks. Mining level = 5.

2) Water Still: Seems much slower at producing fresh water than before, but maybe that's my imagination. Is there any change in this area?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi XJ !

sulfur is found at level 5 mining... under level 5 a pickaxe will yield sulfur from any rocks.

last update the hours were extended making each day last twice as most everything takes twice as long including the water distiller. Also because the days last longer you do end up drinking more water each day then before...and eating now feels right eating about 3 times a day. breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Before when the day was shorter I always felt like we had to eat way to much each day, and water "importance" was about equal to food, but in reality you can survive 7 days without water and 21 days without was pretty extreme before where now it feels more balanced.

ty for your post, talk soon!

old Some bugs and exploits...

User Off Offline

Hello, i'm a new member and registered only because i really liked the mod but after playing it for a while a noticed some bug/exploits that i would like to report and help, so you guys that are developing the mod know.
So, the first exploit that i noticed is one that can give you some advantage sometimes. You can climb ANYTHING if you just walk backwards against the object you wanna climb and jump at the same time. Really easy. Its funny because you can climb even trees lol.
Second one is when using planting stakes. Normally, you can't bury stakes too close to another right? But if you jump and then click to bury it, doesn't matter where you are, you can put stakes close to each other anywhere.
Gonna send this reply now because im on smartphone and i have no more room to write here lol and continue on the next...
edited 1×, last 20.10.18 12:23:18 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Bucket n welcome to Unreal Software website!

Climbing anything is part of the game...not a bug or exploit. You do not even have to go backwards in most cases, to climb even trees. Can also be useful to get that fruit out of the tree.

Jumping or falling from high places can not only cause you injury, it can kill you, depending on the height at which you fell or jumped...and how low your blood bar is at the time you fell or jumped.

Hmmm @ planting stakes, that is a good one, I will fix that for next update.

Thank you for posting, glad you are enjoying the mod!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Thanks! And thanks for replying!
So, it was not a bug.. ok. But i would like to mention others(some are quite annoying actually), and some sugestions:
-I think that in winter makes no sense the natives running around almost naked and not getting frostbite. Just my toughts
-Falling from a great height on a object like a little solid bush/tree averts your fall damage.
-Sometimes the pirate spawns inside rocks and become stuck. It is damn annoying because you can't find him!
-I think also its really bad that your raft/log boat/ship is destroyed after your ride it too much.
-Would be cool if you had some sort of a land vehicle like a bicycle you could craft!
-The claw monkeys are too sneaky!
-Some sugestions for food crafting: Mashed potatos, fries, vodka (crafted with sugar, potatos and then fermenting!), chocomilk, cake.
-The chicken coop holds too little food!
-I think food should spoil less frequently on winter since it's cold and food is preserved!
-Add some new entities like: Rice, beans, cows/cattle, pigs, aligators maybe?, strawberrys, lemon, watermelon...
-When you grow some fruit bushes/trees too close to each other it becomes very difficult to retrieve the fruits. Maybe just aiming at the plant and pressing E to pick up the fruits be enough to solve this.
-I think you should add canes for producing sugar, since sugar isn't made from bamboo.
-Maybe add pounds/lakes inside the island?
-The natives (the long wooden handle one) attacking animation looks a bit slow and weird.
-Add larger structures like a big barn or something that you can put other things inside like storage.
-Add structures made out of stone.
-I've got a weird error when building the first smaller ship (Memory access violation) but it was only one time.
-Chickens when rise escape from the cop and its annoying.
-Add iglu/ice buildings on winter?
-Sometimes when you are running above the ice on the ocean you spawn under it!
-Put a option to disable the sky texture changing because it lags these times.
-Adding the ability to crouch is gonna be really apreciated.
-Add the possibility of feeding the chicken with worms and insects (because they eat these kind of things and it is easy to obtain).
-Add some way your workers could defend themselvesor at least stick with you and follow you at least!
-When you kill something above a rock or a object other than the ground, its remains/loot become "buried" under the model of that object and you can't pick it up.
-When you are driving your raft/log boat/ship (quite frequently) the piranhas/sharks can bite you from below and it is really annoying because makes no sense since you are on the boat (think might be a collision detection problem). Same thing happens sometimes when you are above the ice on the ocean.

Thanks in advance!
edited 1×, last 21.10.18 08:38:33 am

old Water trough exploit

User Off Offline

Remember the exploit a while ago where if you 'use' flour near a water bucket the flour would turn into dough without consuming water? It was fixed some time ago for water bucket. But I think the exploit still exists for water trough.

The buck event is fun, but very imbalanced to gameplay imo. Comparing to random deer event which is rarer, the buck event can be triggered again and again (the ingredient required is very easy to come by), and with a much meatier reward. (It also seems like buck is easier to hunt than deer, the latter moves fast and moves often, yet buck seem to not move a lot.)

The prices of the more expensive items (goldenbow etc.) have increased dramatically - that's fine, but now there doesn't seem to have a way to haul all the gold required to make the purchase - the gold required would far exceeding the carrying capacity of the player.

One curious question: does different type of hammer (stone, iron, steel, auto) make any difference when mining irons etc? Is one more efficient than the others? Some seem to do more damage than others, which means that the rock would have less hit for the same amount of health (which means less yield for irons etc.), so it doesn't seem like steel hammer would be better than stone hammer this way?
edited 1×, last 29.10.18 08:02:17 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi bucket,
Thanks for all the feedback and reports. I will look into some of those things as I move forward.

p.s. Your worker will follow you, as long as you ring the bell "Come" command.

Sup XJ,
Yes, the buck event is new and needs some fine tuning. Will figure it out soon.
Gold weight was an oversight, I reduced the weight of gold for next update, so players can carry enough to deal with the pirate.
Hammers all yield the same resources, they are tiered in damage, useful if you want to destroy something, even rocks. They have a tiered durability too. For improved mining you should make the iron pickaxe asap...the pickaxes is where you will do way less damage and gain way more resources, and the steel pickaxe is the best@both.

old I forgot to mention

User Off Offline

There is a bug that sometimes you create a new game you spawn inside a rock and you can't get out. The only thing that you can do is create a new game... again...

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

So I wanted to confirm that there are issues regarding the extra keybinds in this mod. As others have mentioned, pressing the sprint key causes a lag spike even when not moving.

The same thing happens when opening the map, or even using the sleep or "Ride Unit" keybinds.

I highly doubt simply "deleting the startup applications" or "lowering settings" will fix what seems like a potential coding/optimization issue...

I've never had issues with this when I played the older mod before you took over.. Did you rewrite the functions for them?
edited 1×, last 19.12.18 07:18:35 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I found out why the game glitches when I hit the shift key. On units.inf under player, there is a MASSIVE speed code. I could upload it but it might crash the server. Also, because the cpu is the one calculating the code, it doesn't matter how good of a graphics card you have, the game will still glitch. My cpu is 3.2 ghz duo core, but no match for that monstrosity of a code. Maybe you could trim it down a little?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Assassin moder
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@user ModJuicer: Crash the server? WHAT!? And again, you dont know anything ahow game works and you are trying to be the onbe who know what he is talking about but simply you are not. Game will be lagging even on an i9 processor and RTX because of engine limitations..

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

He's talking about trying to upload the code in the player's definition, which he thinks would crash whatever server he'd upload it to.

The speed code being talked about seems to be related to showing how fast you're moving while calulating things like wetness/fractures, as well as from what i've seen showing the data for how much health things you're targetting have. I haven't looked at all of it, but there is quite a lot of per frame calculating and recalculating, but I don't think that code is directly causing it on it's own, though I can't rule it out.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I could upload it but it might crash the server.

I was simply exaggerating.

user Assassin moder You probably don't know quite what i'm talking about, and although you might be right about engine limitations, i still doubt that it would lag with an i9 processor (seriously, how much cpu performance do you think it would actually take to run a script?)

user JasJack67 If trimmed down, the code might lag less (destination = mods/strandedii/sys/units.inf on the code for unit 'Player')

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Assassin moder
User Off Offline

@user ModJuicer: Not much, engine will use only certain amount of power and the rest of the processor power won't be used at all and it doesn't matter if your CPU has 18 cores or 2.. game engine is using I bet max of 1.. I was trying to compile SII source to support DX9 but without any luck.. (that could unlock FPS and more draw calls)

Game lags every time when keyhit event is registered or timer is happening, game is overhauled with those timers..

EDIT: I simply copied script from player unit to a separate file called "player_unit.s2p" and I've added
def_extend "unit",1,"sys\scripts\player_unit.s2s";
to game.inf on:load state to it. I think that works somehow better. I think that @user JasJack67: should use more def_extend because it helps reducing some lags
edited 1×, last 20.12.18 01:27:15 pm
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