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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Came across a bug in the 06-10-18 update.

Steel shovel wouldn't cycle through my dig options when I first crafted it, until I had an iron shovel on me and cycled through that first, then it worked just fine.

Cycled through to the "Prospect for Crystal" option, but the dialogue said that "No underground springs were found." Kept digging to see whether I'd get spring or crystal. Eventually had a spring come up, even though that option hadn't even shown up when I cycled through.

old Suggestion

User Off Offline

This is just a suggestion. Could you put different languages?
as for example: Spanish. brazil, german Among others

old Glitch and suggestion (and complaint?)

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- Get water in a bucket of water... i mean a bunch of bucket of water place near each other, get extra water bottle with just 1 bottle.

- Cook food overnight, often get the grilled one(except the large one) after wake up, ex: start fire with just one paper, put the food on the grill, sleep to morning -> get grilled food, no need to use branch.

- Why the campfire store more more wood than the wood storage.

- Set up a bunch of trap and surround it with fences, you got a stable food, skin, bone,... source almost every morning.

- Pottery should change from unlock new thing to success rate, feel more like "I know the pot can make from clay but i'm not skill enough to easily make it"

- Sometime meat (almost the large one) spoil right after i get from an animal.

- I can't do fishing on supply ship(or maybe i use the wrong way)

- I think iron hook should become a part of a fishing rod... or advance fishing rod.

- Running on ice surface and stop... boom ... I stranded.. underwater.

- Add heating stone please.

- Why I cannot use the steel hoe to plant fertilized seed.

- I cannot harvest berry or tomato if they overlapse each other.

- The chicken never each berry or grape(red particle)... untill I give spoiled food(green particle), as if "if you don't eat these, you will force to eat spoiled food" and they begin to eat berry and grape.

- I don't know it was an orange tree untill i chop it down. The orange is too small to spot and harvest it(the other too).

- Why can't i pick grilled food with glove or machete.

- Eagle, go back to your moutain.

- Piranha live in river right?

- Hey monkey, banana here. *blood splash*

- Bird egg please.

- Kill a monkey on top a storage, i can't get its loot.

- Use knife to a log to get handle instead of craft it in inventory please.

- Can you add jerkey to last longer, along with drying rack?

- Smoked meat sound good.

- Can I collect snow? With a shovel.

- Can I stop now?

=======>> This is the best survival game I've ever play(include the forest, stranded deep, rust,...), hope you could update more feature and improve performance.

-------Greeting from Viet Nam--------

old New Huge July Update Posted 07-21-18

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New Huge July Update is now posted 07-21-18 102.78MB Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures, as usual.

This update has a lot of great stuff, be sure to read the ∗ logs below as they greatly effect game play. ∗ Extended Time, ∗ Food Preservatives, and other important fixes, or added features.

Saves are semi-compatible, they should work, but some units new attributes, and other things may not perform as intended until you start a new island. Simply move your file from the "saves" folder into the new "saves" folder.

Change Log:

√When sleeping, the campfire will be checked first for burnable material before any food is cooked. (exploit fix)(complete)
√The buckets now have to have more space between them when setting them down, to prevent a water collecting exploit.(exploit fix)(complete)
√The Chicken Coop was not subtracting some chicken foods properly. When I added berries and grapes last update I made an script error. (fixed)(complete)
√New Unit: Buck. He will only be seen by your making a Salt Block and deploying it near a Stance building. This will initiate a Buck Hunt event.(complete)
√New combination: SALT BLOCK=short wooden handle + salt + starch + saltwater.(complete)
√New item: Salt Block-used to attract a buck deer. Will randomly attract a special deer when the player is perched in a Stance building.(complete)
√A new Salt Block item can be crafted and deployed near a Stance building to initiate a Buck Hunt type of event. Loots extra meat and skins. (complete)
√When aiming to throw coal dust on hot iron in the forge, adjusted for better accuracy. (complete)
√When fishing you will now see your hooks, baits, or lures icon, in the ammo slot next to the fishing pole icon. So you can see visually when your out of tackle. (complete)
√Iron hooks, steel hooks, and hooks, icons enhanced so they each look more different.(complete)
√Shovel use final adjustment for balance. Digging worms is less exhausting and prospecting has added exhaustion. The Iron and Steel Shovel are equal in prospecting exhaustion, but the Steel Shovel is less exhausting at digging worms and terrain.(complete)
√When using the Iron Shovel to dig worms last, the Steel shovel will not select task when left clicking. fixed.(complete)
√When standing still you now have a very very slight increase toward Hunger, Thirst, and Exhaustion, over time.(complete)
∗ The game time was altered through script. Every hour now lasts twice as long, that means each month, each week, and each day, last twice as long.(complete)
√The sleep/fatigue bar was adjusted for jades, so it is balanced with the new extended days.(complete)
√New Item: Turtle Shell. Looted from the dead turtle and can be made into a hardened bowl for cooking bowled foods.(complete)
√New Combination: HARDENED CLAY BOWL= turtle shell + clay. Added to the diary crafting. (complete)
√New object: Ship Wreck. You can now find your wrecked ship during the first 10+ days of being stranded. It contains a few useful items of Bread, Water, Bandage, Hide, and Insect Repellent.(complete)
√Destroying the Wrecked Ship after looting it will yield additional resources of Logs, Cordage, Hides, and Branches.(complete)
√If the Wrecked Ship is not found within 10 days it will eventually be "lost" and turn into debris floating in the waters by day 12 or so. It is random after 10 days.(complete)
∗New item: Preservative. Having preservatives in any storage or rucksack that has food, will prevent that food from spoiling. Preservatives will be used up automatically instead of spoiling the food. If there is no food present then preservatives will simply be stored.(complete)
√New Combinations: PRESERVATIVE= salt + starch, or sugar + starch, or sugar tablet + stone. Added to diary crafting. (complete)
√The lag spike when pressing and releasing the SHIFT key to run or walk fixed much better.(complete)
√Double tapping the M button to mark the map adjusted for better response, fixed.(complete)
√Two of the three new tall grasses did not have the hit sound when hitting them. Fixed.(complete)
√Iron bolt shafts granted no forging experience when created at forge anvil.(fixed +3 forging)(complete)
√Crafting cord from 3 liana vine with flint knife may return blade breakage message, but knife remains in inventory.(fixed)(complete)
√The menu warning of an incoming storm, while in build mode, caused an error with the placement preview.(fixed)(complete)
√Occasionally your skewer will now get burnt up and you'll have to make a new one.(complete)
√Morning and Evening sky boxes where edited to allow a better balance with the game lighting. There has been a noticeable "darkness" when the sun is still at the horizon. Fixed. (complete)
√New model for the empty glass bottle. Now looks like the standard full bottle of common liquids, but empty. (complete)
√Some graphic enhancements to various units, plants and items, like the new taller grass, some foods, the monkey , chief native, and butterfly and more. (complete)

Sorry no, I can not do that. Mainly because I only know would be to time consuming to script even If I knew other languages. Maybe some one else will Translate this mod one day, but I would'nt hold your breath.

Thank you for making an account and posting. Really great feedback! This update does include "some" fixes and improvements you listed in your post. Glad your having fun and Thank You for the compliment.
edited 3×, last 21.07.18 06:30:37 am

old New Land Vehicle - Sled

Super User Off Offline

× Note : I forgot to remove the new "sled" model I was working on. It works but it has no collision. Meaning you can drive it through rocks and trees and stuff. I was working on adding this as a way to move bulk materials around, such as Logs. Only I did not get the collision to work before I uploaded the update.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

To All:

Currently the Stone Hammer has a bug, i screwed it up testing something this update. It works, but there is a lag spike when hitting or building, when you swing the hammer. Move to a better tool or weapon asap...I will fix the hammer for next update.

Should be the last up too.

Grigoriks, no i can not add multi player. Sorry.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

...days are longer?

Days are longer!

Sweet! This is a game-changer, since especially mid-game, you're gonna be severely limited in how much farming you can do each day due to running out of time. Planting stakes and then swapping it out for crops can consume a whole day, especially if you're cycling crops after a 2 unit return.

Any recommendations for a manual patch to the mod files to fix the hammer? If I copy-paste the code from a previous version, will it make it worse?

old Stone Hammer manual fix until next update

Super User Off Offline

Yes you can fix the hammer easily. Goto /sys folder and open the items_tool.inf file and scroll down to the Stone Hammer:

### StoneHammer
name=Stone Hammer

Make the name read name=Stone Hammer as above. Just delete that whole line of text you will see there... as I said above I was testing something and forgot to delete that name=long discription.

then under "file" top left click "save".

p.s. There are two efficient ways to plant crops:

You can assign hotkey 1 to a single stake and hot key 2 to the bulk seed, then scroll mouse wheel back n forth put stake, plant seed, put stake, plant seed. etc.

Or, you can make say 10 or even 20 stakes, put em in hand and set them all in a row first, then go back and use the seed inhand at each stake. This is fastest way i know to plant, but requires making more than 1 stake.
edited 1×, last 11.08.18 04:44:20 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Nice, thanks JasJack! I'm gonna edit my file immediately.

So far running is much smoother, I get significantly less lag spikes, and the longer days mean I've got my basics built (forge, grill, tanning racks) and it's only day 3. Best update so far, in my opinion.

Bug Report
∗ Building a campfire next to a forge will heat metal on the forge if the campfire is lit, even if forge remains unlit

P.S: The uploaded file for the latest version had an autosave included, probably from you genning and testing an island prior to uploading it.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Nice one, ty!
√ Building a campfire next to a forge will heat metal on the forge if the campfire is lit, even if forge remains unlit

also in the next update, the lag spikes you feel when the player is "wet" is reduced, way less intrusive.

P.S. Yes, before uploading the update, i start a new map to reset all the achievements, which creates a new auto save file. I then delete that auto saved file to save space...guess i forgot to delete it this time

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hmm, did you say the shipwreck should stick around for the first 10 days?

Because I just got a message on Day 6 that the wreck was destroyed.

I reloaded and haven't received the same message yet, but is this working as intended or a bug?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

You are correct, i checked the script and I never changed the age from 5 to 10 like i thought I did.

So for now it is random after day 5 until next update...sorry, sometimes I just forget things when I have put this mod aside for a bit and get busy in rl. lol

Thanks again! as always, you guys really help me catch many of my mistakes!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi baby hamsta G,
Try clicking the other batch icon -win in the folder to start the mod in full screen window mode. It runs a bit smoother. As for black terrain you may have tabbed out using ALT-TAB? It is a known bug in Stranded 2...again, if you use the other icon you CAN ALT-TAB out and back without the black terrain bug.

Some computers run the Blitz Engine better than others, depending on your specs, has something to do with graphics cards and Directx I believe. You could try right clicking the icon and run in compatibility mode for your system?

Anyways, thanks for trying out the mod, hope the other icon makes it playable. The_Survivalist.exe-win

p.s. Lastly, you can try lowering the settings in options...lower the View Distance a bit and also KEEP WATER DETAIL OFF/LOWEST cuz its a performance killer.

old New September Update Posted

Super User Off Offline

The Latest Update Is Now Posted: September 09-26-18 102.65 MB

Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures, as usual. Enjoy!

This update is small but important. It has the fix for the latest stone hammer bug, and being wet causing a laggy experience. Some other stuff listed below. Saves are compatible.

Change Log:
√The rats striking distance was reduced, it was able to hit you before you could hit it.(fixed)(complete)
√Some more minor graphical enhancements.(complete)
√Upon death your OSR score for "days survived" is now working properly.(complete)
√Building a campfire close to the forge allows the forge to operate without actually being lit. (exploit)(fixed)(complete)
√The Stone Hammer is bugged from a test i was doing. When swinging the stone hammer or building with it you get a lag spike. (fixed)(complete)
√Fixed the slight lag when the player is "wet". Especially noticeable when you start a new map and your slow and wet from swimming ashore.(complete)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hey, I wanted to say, I really love your mod. However, I'm having serious lag problems in the game still. I'm having lag when running, or even walking, just stuttering. If you have any idea on how to increase performance let me know please. Thanks!
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