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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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hi mrxxx,
Yeah I had found if I put the skill increments script into one "global" script, and have it "called" by another script. . .every time the player got a skill-up the engine would lag, causing a lag spike ingame.

By putting the skill-up script directly in the script being run when the skill-up occurs, it executed better and smoother, with no lag spike.

Some of the combinations repeat because there is more than one type of item that does basically the same thing, like there is 4 different hammers and their scripts are near identically besides damage/speed/breakage variable.

Another Example:
When you kill any animal and get a +1 Hunting skill-up the script is ran at that very moment with no lag spike. If it had to call one global script it makes a small lag spike the player experiences ingame. Therefore I put the +1 Hunting script attached to every unit. . .the engine executes it without have to look for it globally and returns the text onscreen +1 Hunting. . .immediately.

There are some other scripts I did the same thing with as to reduce lag. Mostly, any script that is executed "during" game play. The exception is the 2 main scripts, executed every 2 seconds, and the hourly skybox. I can only optimize them best I can. The rest generally occur at new day update, or when the player sleeps when it doesnt effect the players gameplay.

In a Nutshell: Anytime the engine has to look outside the current script that is running, it puts a strain on the engine. So, multiple identical scripts placed "inside" the currently running script runs faster, as the engine doesn't have to stop and look for something that's being requested. . .it's right there already, to be ran.

P.S. As for the script format, I have kept the same script format that Builder-02 already had established in Massive-Mod, with some very minor adjustments. The scripting is not the source-code, the source-code lies within the .exe file, and I don't personally mess with that.
edited 4×, last 22.02.18 04:08:05 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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JJ congratulations on post #2000!

I am very happy you have continued working on this game! You are the best thing it ever happened to Stranded! PERIOD!!!

And I am almost 100% certain that other game developers have copied you and will continue doing so.

My biggest regret is that I am not a wizard like you and mrxxx, or the many others through the years.

Also, I like the new grass, thank you. I haven't seen it yet because I am continuing my game rather than starting a new one, but if I do I'll report back. But keep it in mind, I think even more grass/thorns may enrich the game further.

Continue working the magic! As always, thanks man!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I don't know if this has been recommended or not before but is there a way to just not have the "updated" textures as I just really don't like them and it is the one thing that makes me not play this mod (like the hand texture and lion texture)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Soo sou dont play this mod of stranded II, old game with low graphics, bcs you dont like the updates of the graphics and thats why you dont play it?

I would suggest skyrim with mods then or a witcher

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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JJ the new version is better than the old that i had (december one), also thanks for reducing the lag when the char is walking. (i still have the lag when pressing the run buttom, but i'm used to it now)

I like the idea of the new grass, but so far i hate it at the same time hehehe, i destroy them all, they are taking so much visibility. Maybe you could reduce it a little and also give some resource from it, like seed to eat or straws.

turning bees from inventory into insects is very handy, thanks!

I think that food combos should be better than products alone, for example reducing cravings (but to reduce hungry and thisrty too). The new sugar tablet reduce 4 cravings while i could eat 10 sugar units alone reducing crave in 10 units.

Suggestions (maybe too complex)
It's still dificcult to kill some animals captured in the trap, if i kill some inside i may not be able to loot it, they can also scape. So it would be nice if we could see wich animal is inside the trap before opening it, or if the animal could die from starvation when the trap is kept closed for like 3 days or so.

I'd like to build upon the big rocks for safety, but i'm not sure if you are interesting in adding this option or if it's too hard to do it.

Can you add some combinaton to make chords using leafs or vines? since i like to play on small islands, normal mode is so hard to play cause i can't explore the land, so many creatures and hostile natives in a small place and i can't get a sheep or find a cotton plant in my safe place.

I also think that another storage could be added with more capacity than the tiny and not requiring nails to build like the others. Or maybe simply increase the capacity from the tiny.

Also thanks JDL for the tips!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I don't have to be a wizard to contribute, and you have contributed in many ways over the years. That's all that matters, I am happy I have been able to incorporate a lot of your ideas, and turn them into a script that makes it happen.

Stranded 3


Good to hear it runs better on your system.
I have thought the same thing about the trap and will address them asap.
yes, i will make a combination of vines+knife=cord simulating you braided them into cordage.
√ I increased the tiny storage from 2500 to 4000.

Good@better, hitting the shift to run can only be optimized as the script it interacts with is large, thus is has that pause. It is only coincidence that it seems like the sound file because that sound is played within the large script.

To all,
Thank you very much for the feedback and input! Will get some more stuff done between now and Easter/April. kinda busy at work atm.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Finally i got playing and i am really enjoying it! im at early winter so far, sometimes it buggered me that food that i have just picked spoiled right away, but i think thats the price for food spoilage add...

so far here are some thoughts and stuff i noticed (i will update them when i find more)

By adding tall grass everywhere, it happens to me a lot that i get atacked by an archer, but i takes me too long to find out what direction he shoots from as there is grass everywhere.
Is there a way to add arrow which shows from which direction the attack came? also would be nice if there was a way to show attack from up, i always look up for bees, but i never know if it was arrow or a sting? I think this would be really easy to distinguish irl

could there be and option co capture and transport a kiwi for the kiwi breeder?

boardwall cant be build too close to each other, so i cant build a wall that doesnt have significant holes, also if the archer stands/move right up the wall, he shoots right through

when an npc starts running away from you after attack, they ignore the terrain/walls etc, they run just through/in the middle of it. I have now 2 lions and at least 4 vilagers stuck up inside random big rocks across the island

berrypie doesnt need clay bowl, but after eatig one, it returns one

when food that is on a bowl spoils, it doesnt return a bowl

some npc move a while after dying and it seems it is not due to the lag spikes. hapens to me regularly with dark monkey and masked+longstaff natives, snakes, seems kinda creepy when you know you killed them

steel shovel doesnt work before getting some digging level. could it be mentioned in digging skill tree, or could be there like announcement (like I cant use that yet) when used on low lvl digging?

also option for prospecting for a clay comes later than prospect for gold... idk, wouldnt clay be easier to find than gold ore? as most of the time, clay deposits are scarce and you need a lot of them to work on your pottery, could it be possible to add clay deposits along with iron and rock ones?

Drinking directly from a bucket, well etc doesnt reduce temperature like drinking from a bottle does

squeezing juices from fruit in general creates items heavier that the input (or same weight)... not sure if would be better to increase berries needed for the juice or increasing their weight

i had turtles from fishing released in enclosed paddock (y i like them) but after few days, all of them just vanished... can it be prevented? they didnt go through the fence, they are just gone

effectiveness of the tomatoes is too high, if you manage to get 12 fertilized bushes, they can almost feed you through the year when you have to change diet only for cravings

also noticed spoiling of grains...could food like seeds, alcohol (idk if it can) be excluded from spoiling? also worms could be immune too?

could you please add bowl to the cooking recipes hints in diary? took me a while to figure it

also we need all the finishing rewards for lvl 1000 skills some ideas:
fishing: really small chance for catching a shark (spawns dead/half dead shark)
planting: ability to plant birdtree/parrottree (for a lot of resources, like 200 feathers, 10 smallegs, some wood and vines); or at least no need for hoes anymore?
mining: ability to toggle on/off stone/pebble mining would be nice
pottery: very expensive, big bowl that prevents spoiling of food in it?
digging: digging a hole necessary for the bowl from pottery (like you need a fireplace for the distiller etc)?

some drinks dont have that food/water/health strips on their pictures, plum juice and alcohols

i cant find diary entry about tribes and how to 'train' natives, it is nicely described wneh you talk to them, but some basic info about it in diary would be nice

food in natives inventory or in transport monkeys doesnt spoil, could be used to store food in them without spoiling

also i dont like that thirst is affected by a craving. yes, food is ok, but you need to drink four liters of plum juice to remove thirst because you have craving for red meat? fresh water is not affected, but you dont always have one and drink is a drink...

during winter, when you sleep outside, after waking up, your temperature rises the same amount as in the house (should drop significantly in winter+maybe spring and autumn too)

if something dies on the ice, caracass drops into the ice and cant be looted

when i finish building big raft, the game crashes with file acces violation error message (or something like that). not sure if it is in general, or this happens only in winter when the water is frozen over, ill try it in spring

idk, these things maybe were already said here, but ill write it anyway in case...
edited 13×, last 26.03.18 04:32:28 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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First, I'd like to start off by saying this mod is amazing. Many additions to the base game that make it a very fun experience. However, there are many MANY things I'd like to change about this mod, mainly just to balance.

First off, why in the world does cravings take away from nutrition? In a survival scenario this makes no sense. The craving shouldn't take anymore than say, 25% of your nutrition away (if any at all). I think it'd be better if you gained an extra +1 hunger per hour while craving or something to that extent. Craving also shouldn't happen within 5 days. I think it should start towards the end of Summer. Imagine you're stranded on an island and you decide you want a beer. That's not too silly to think. Now imagine you have to now eat 4000 calories a day instead of 2000 just because you want a beer. A bit silly right? Your character isn't a pregnant woman insisting she has chocolate on her sandwich, you're Mr. Stranded, just trying to survive. And once you finally do get that food you've been craving, you have to eat it for like 3 days straight. Ever wanted some Dr. Pepper so you decide to drink 8 entire 2-liters of the course of 3 days? Probably not. You probably just had a can and were good for it. I think craving should go away the moment you eat something you crave. I thought it was bugged myself, after eating several fish and still had a craving.

Another thing that gripes me is clay. I have found a total of 131 clay on my island. I quite literally had to spawn it in once I exhausted my supply as clay has no refresh rate for health and also depletes quickly without giving you much of a return. It wasn't until way later that I found out you can dig for clay AFTER you dig for GOLD. Really? Clay is harder to find than gold? I can go out in my back yard right now and find some clay, I promise. I will not find gold. Ever. Clay should be the first thing you unlock with digging 2.

Chickens only eat grain and corn, but if you're just catching one early on, you probably haven't found these yet. I didn't know what grain looked like until the middle of Summer. But still. Chickens can eat many things. Bugs, their own egg shells, berries, etc. I couldn't figure out what to feed them early on so I figured they just don't eat. And many days went by until they starved. You can imagine my amazement, then, when sheep don't starve ever. I was worried they'd just die so I dropped grain around his pen. He never ate it. Keep in mind I'm looking at this from a fresh perspective. A lot of this stuff is "Well, I figured as much. Better search through the game code to figure out how to feed him."

The balance of other things is strange as well. For example: If you're out chopping wood and the game says "PUMA'S NEARBY" you're boned. Better load that autosave. I had a puma tear me to shreds in an instant, broken limbs and bleeding out without even so much a second to react. Other times, they'd spawn creatures so far out I could simply ignore them and go on with my life. Sometimes I'd be near a weapon or already have my spears on hand, only for them to flee before I could kill them. I think the flee timer should take a bit longer. And I think if you poison an animal it should add to the timer. Not sure how you'd get that to work but it was frustrating shooting a deer with a poison arrow only for him to 'flee' and die in the invisible lands.

Now for the true cheese: Things that make the game easy.

A well is easy mode. If you have a single well, you will never need water again. Digging it out only takes time and once done you are in the money. A water pump, which takes infinitely longer to come up with the pipe to make it, depletes water after a while. Simply making it so the pump never dries up makes it a direct upgrade to the well and would be such an easy fix.

Growing crops? Forget about the craving if you have a dedicated tomato farm. I can just eat like 10 tomatoes and be good for a whole day, while 3 days later I'll have 100 more tomatoes. So much tomatoes! Woohoo! But it's too easy. Even the 50% craving can't touch my tomato farm. Contrast this with the food returns you get from animals and you find out very quickly that animals are more trouble than they're usually worth, with the sheep farm being the only one that makes sense because you can get hides and wool for nothing. Chickens however, woof. They take all your feed and give you like 3-5 eggs in return for what would instead make 10-20 bread. No thanks. Chickens should give WAY more eggs, an egg every day actually. And sometimes feathers.

Even after all this criticism I love this mod. I could play it all day. I have played it all day. And I'll probably edit this post to add more. If you have discord or something, anything where we can chat up and figure out things, I'd love to find out how to fix the code a bit myself and tweak some things. This game is fun, and this mod makes it amazing. Thanks again for all your hard work.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Great observations some_stranger!


I’ll save you the long speech, nn short JJ, I think you should implement a two tier system.

Craving: X = 2X satisfaction (more likelihood to appear for advanced foods down to raw)
Disgusted: X = 1/2X satisfaction (more likelihood to appear for raw to advanced foods)

2) Clay

There are plenty of clay resources in large island. I have not played smaller in a while.

My beef is with the baking exploit that 1 bottle gets you 25 xp.

3) Chickens

Try to release/gather them in an area without feeding them. Exploit?

I do agree, they should eat almost anything.

4) Events

Well if I puma is near by, you probably are dead.

5) Easy mode

The easier the better!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

The issue with the Puma nearby is, it isn't actually nearby. It teleports to you. If it were hiding, or behind bushes that's a different story. But they literally teleport on top of you. Say what you will, "Puma's are sneaky! You'd never see them coming in real life!" doesn't matter. No puma should teleport on top of you in any game. If you have a chance to avoid one, you should. But you can't if they spawn on top of you. That's my issue.

The clay issue was somewhat solved by me finding 2 clay nodes underwater. Still didn't get nearly enough to rebuild my clay pots if I lost them to breaking (Which they can, although I haven't had that happen yet, only seen in the game code). Also, Sharks see me from a mile away and eat my ass like Sunday's groceries. Yikes! Gotta take care of them with spears before they can destroy me. Also not aware of the exploit. Probably why I was a level 2 pottery survivor with amazing farms and livestock.

Everything else I somewhat agree with mostly. Craving 2x satisfaction should change to give you health instead or give you survivor points or something. Not sure. I don't think anything should really effect your food intake (or lack of), as early on you're struggling to just survive. I was eating leaves to satiate myself for most of the beginning. Maybe take away their +1 hunger or whatever because then it's useless to crush the water out of them. Also leaves will never poison you but crushed leaves water will? Woah! Remind me not to crush them.

I'll condense everything into a scale of what I like and don't like, editing this post as I go. We'll start with the things I dislike.

1. Teleporting on top of you Puma's (Just teleport them far away?)

2. Cravings that could potentially destory the entirety of an early game. Booze craving on Day 5? This only hurts you early game, where I feel cravings should happen least. Once I have a farm, it's non-issue, just annoying.

3. Chickens only eat 2 things, and Chicken Feed. They also eat it without giving so much as an egg a day return. In reality, chickens eat about 2 pounds of food a week and drop eggs DAILY. I'm not suggesting you go full Chicken Farmer simulator on me, but when I can grow 100 tomatoes on 2 glasses of water, I expect 4 chickens to give me some eggs a bit more often.

4. Fleeing animals that are at deaths door. Also, what's up with some animals health? Deer should take a single steel spear to take down, or 2-3 arrows. Giving them 225 HP translates to 8 arrows! Man, those things move fast. I could barely take them out with a pistol.

5. Should be an option to end the respawning of tribal men and lions, etc. I went on a poison arrow spree thinking I could exterminate them, it did not work out. Ironically, a week later I had a Tribals! Event trigger. They burned my bamboo hut down, bastards. Ongo Bongo man (This is what I call the mask guy) is probably my favorite tribal character though. His charge after I first shot him with a poison arrow is quite fast and pants were shat as a result.

6. Some level progression items don't really make sense to me. Hunter level being higher unlocks the Hut, while I think Lumbering would make much more sense for that. There are a lot of examples for this I'll write down below once I get back in the game.

7. You can farm chickens and Kiwi's, chickens of course being the larger animal. However, you have to bring a Kiwi to your area somehow, without netting it. I haven't figured out a good way to do this. They seem to move erratically unlike Sheep. I'll be honest, I haven't tried to hard with these guys, might need further testing from myself.

Could be more of these as I generally just get annoyed as certain mechanics are !UNFAIR! to me haha. Gotta reference Tynan Sylvester's book "Designing Games" when I feel I might not be understanding something.

LIKE √ :

1. Tools are cool. I think my only issue is there is no early game hatchet until you get to Iron. Honestly, it takes such little time to make it that in a way it's non-issue. The early hammering really helps with branches anyway.

2. Vehicles are interesting. I didn't know there were others until I built the first one. Would be cool if they all had inventories but the supply ship certainly is awesome with it. I have one in my game and I use it often to scour out the Pirate guy. A cool addition would be carts or wagons you can drag around but I don't think the game's engine allows vehicles like this. Also, for me I shoot high in the sky for every vehicle I hop into, but there's no fall damage so it's whatever.

3. Critical Hits! Bam! Chinned that monkey out with a spear toss! Awesome! Love it. Literally nothing could be fixed with this I don't think. Maybe make them more frequent as your levels progress? But then it could become severely OP. Idk. Better ammunition causes higher damage critical hits? Did a 300 damage slingshot hit once on a bird I think.

4. Speaking of Crits, weapons in general. I think the progression from Spears to bows to C-bows to guns is pretty good. I like how they're set up. I first had a slingshot, then I had bamboo spears, then I went on a murder spree with Iron Javelins, then I had a longbow with steel arrows (murder spree with that too), finally settling on a pistol.

5. Smithing is fun. I think it it'd be cool if steel weapons broke even less though. They should be end game after all.

6. Farming! Woohoo! My fuckin' grapes are in baby! Just hauled in 120 grapes in one day! That's how I felt when I first set up farming, what a damned relief... No more scurrying around the beaches hoping to god I'd catch that damned fish. No more killing poor innocent monkeys. I was in! It does get a bit OP towards the end when you got 4x10 row farms of every type netting you HUGE hauls of food every few days. I guess that's realistic in a way but. I think it'd be better if food took longer to grow BUT gave you a higher return. That way it's more of a commitment based system and not so much easy farm easy life.

7. Mosquitoes. You know how in the movie Sling Blade, Doyle is such an easy character to hate? In a way, that makes him one of the best characters because he plays his character so well. That's how I feel about the Mosquitoes because those fuckers make me hate life. Just like they should. A+

8. The Whale. I know that fucker exists. I've bought the Whale Harpoon specifically with his name on it. I've scoured the oceans for him, even played some voice lines from the movie The Pagemaster, you know, the part where Ahab is on the launch searching for Moby Dick? Real dramatic stuff, check it out sometime. Anyway, I saw the achievement and it make me hunt him. I haven't found him yet but the allure is there, which allows me to add him to the list.

9. The game itself. It's just fun. I gotta say, despite some of the shortcomings and the "Why is this like this?" moments, I do truly enjoy it. Too much. Get me help. Please.

I might add more or take away things I see estrange. For now, these are the things I gripe about, and like. Keep in mind that my likes outweigh my dislikes, else I wouldn't play it as much as I have... I can't even remember how long it's been since I started on my current island.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I have been a Stranded fan for years. While checking the progress on 3, I saw this version of 2. Great job! It has the same two things I did not like in the original though. The time I would like 15 minutes = 1 hour and the hunger and thirst should be 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water. If it is possible to change it and I knew where to look and what to change I would do it.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user Bones959 has written
I have been a Stranded fan for years. While checking the progress on 3, I saw this version of 2. Great job! It has the same two things I did not like in the original though. The time I would like 15 minutes = 1 hour and the hunger and thirst should be 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water. If it is possible to change it and I knew where to look and what to change I would do it.
Look for the "SEASON JADE HOURLY CHECK" in units.inf. You can change the consume rates for difficulty 4 (the hardest difficulty). Say you want to play Easy Difficulty, change all the difficulty=4 to difficulty=1. Then change the consume rates to give you a bit more food and water every hour instead of take away.

The numbers will look like "CONSUME = 0,0,0,0" in a 4 number pattern. The first 0 is your health, the second is your food, the third your water, and the fourth your sleep. So say you want to keep your health unchanged, add 5 food, 2 water, and take away 1 sleep, you would put "CONSUME=0,5,2,-1".

This can be tweaked to allow you to survive a bit longer on meager food, but you'll still have to eat every day, or you can set it up to where you can survive for months without eating. You have to find a good balance.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user Bones959 has written
@user some_stranger: Alright. That gives me something to work with. Thanks. All that leaves is time. Can I make 2 hours real time = 1 day game time?
That's a good question. I found on line 1642 of units.inf that there is a setting for time I can't understand. I see many "timer" and "Loopcheck" which might indicate how it'll set the day cycle. Not too familiar with the code of this game. Everything else seems to effect weather and is in the game.inf. I'm assuming the path of time is probably hardcoded into the .exe and you can't change it, as well as the rates at which you lose hunger, sleep, etc.

We'll have to wait until JasJack comes back to tell us a bit about what's going on with the code behind these things.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey all thank you for all this great feedback! Welcome new members! I have not had much time to work on the mod since last update, but will get to it asap.

As always, sometimes i may not respond to specific posts but just know I read them all and reference them as I do updates n fixes.

There is a lot of content in the posts and do not have time atm to reply to them all, but thank you and I will consider the ideas and stuff as I move careful if you edit the scripts as you have a high chance of breaking the mod if you alter the scripts.

I will get to working on this again as soon as I finish up some other work I have in real life. Just do not have time atm.

Thanks again for everything...should have an update next month. (May)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Nice update! Those natives got a significant difficulty upgrade with the run mechanics. That plus tall grass means it's even more vital to stick to your own patch of island up to the point you can build a crossbow and take them out safely from a distance.

A few bug reports:
∗ Filling empty bottles from an airweed plant when inventory is full sends filled bottles to center of island
∗ Crafting iron bolt shafts grants no forging experience
∗ Native bowmen inflict bleeding condition immediately upon firing, even if arrow misses player

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Well, I'm bummed. I haven't been able to play this game in so long, so now that I got a new computer I got on here and downloaded the game. I used Unpacker which is always what I used in the past but it won't unpack it. It gives me this instead:

WinRTError Invalid Pointer

So I decided to try unzip instead and I got:

Read Archive File Failed

Any clues on what to do?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Try re-download it. You may have just gotten a corrupted download as I have seen it before using MediaFire.(very rare) I zip the file with WinRAR so try using that to unzip if nothing else.

It has 386 downloads for this reports of a failure, and I just downloaded it, unzipped it, and started the mod with no issue.

edit: I googled "WinRTError Invalid Pointer" and most sites saying it is corrupted system files, or registry issues, or OS installation corruption. So i can't really help with this unless the re-download and open with WinRAR does not nokr for you.
Google also tells me this error "Read Archive File Failed" is a corrupted downloaded zip file, so yeah try re-download n open with WinRAR.
edited 2×, last 28.04.18 02:15:00 am
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