
Anyway thanks to that, i noticed that you can store animals in your backpack, without feeding, for indefinite time... While looking for the coop, i had 5 chickens in there for about 30 days (along with 2 turtles, i cant get myself for letting them go) Along with crabs and bees, there shoul be some limit of starvation... I guess you need few days if you hunt them on the other side of a big island. So 5 days, then turn it into dead animal material? Or combine with leaves/cornseed to make fed version with durability? Idk if that is too much to ask... Or make every 5th day event that releases every animal in bags? Unlucky if you catch them just before that happens... Or some random releasing?
Love this mod and very appreciate that you respond to every comment in here and that you try to think everything here over. You are the best!
Also i like bats, free food falls from the skies:-)
edited 1×, last 27.07.17 01:08:28 am
Might be something wrong with your mouse. Would you try a different mouse please? Might have some gunk built up on the mouse ball in the bottom.(clean it)
If that is not the problem and your mouse is wireless, try unplugging the mouse sensor chip from the USB port and plugging it back in, or new battery.
In the Options ingame where you can assign/set key inputs. . .did you happen to change the MOUSE SENSITIVITY slider, as it was set on 0.14. Or check the INVERT MOUSE option check box? If not, then try changing those settings and then changing them back.
Never had a mouse bug problem since the conception of this mod, nor any reported mouse issue. Last but not least, re-download the mod, or if you have a recent version still on your computer, copy/paste the TheSurvivalist.exe into this lastest version and replace it. Maybe your .exe got corrupted.
Thank you for checking out the mod and glad your enjoying it!

p.s. if you drink to much alcohol or smoke the hemp, "ingame", you get drunk/high and your mouse does go wacky until you sleep it off.
edited 1×, last 03.08.17 03:58:52 am
Click the .exe icon and let it load...Preparing To Launch. . .Please Wait! it will load.
It takes my computer about 45 seconds, but I have heard up to 2 minutes on some computers. Just don't click anything, or hit buttons, and wait.
This update is the smoothest running update in 3 years. Download from page 1 or any of my signatures as usual. Enjoy the lag free play!
Change Log:

New Patch added for improved performance 08-23-17
I re-uploaded the mod with another great fix for decreasing the lag in general and when hitting SHIFT to run. You can re-download the mod and transfer your save, OR add this patch file below to the sys folder and REPLACE the old.

Change Log:

If you use the patch you will not get the HUD display update, that only comes with downloading the entire mod.
edited 8×, last 23.08.17 10:25:09 am
Fly rod and fly rod lures don't appear to be benefiting from fishing range increases from leveling up fishing. I get error messages that I'm too far away from fish when using the fly rod, but a regular fishing rod catches them just fine.
Fishing rod drops a log when breaking instead of a bendable branch.
Bees still die at change of day during winter even when inside a glasshouse. I have a save file to test this behavior if needed.
I really don't understand how the wolf dog's hunger levels are being calculated. It seems like I feed it only to get a message that it's starving a few minutes later. Is this event completely random or is there a benefit to feeding the wolf dog more than one piece of meat at a time?
FlyRod n lures only catches the Rainbow, it wont catch anything else.
Catching a log is simulating you got snagged n broke your line, lol
Hmmm@ Bees, I will test this, i have a save...was your greenhouse door open? Only works if you have the door closed. . .
NOT! If i remember right you put the meat in the dogs INVENTORY like you do the tribe warrior, or tribe worker. He will eat it from his inventory. I will double check that. If he eats meat off the ground I can fix it so that makes him full too. . .probably an oversight when I scripted it.
I highly recommend the latest version, might be able to transfer your June save without crashing. But keep em both just incase. The latest version is by far best in regards to reduced lag spiking and content.
edit: You are correct about wolfdog, I found a typo in the script that was not resetting the "hungry" variable when he eats the meat you throw on the ground.

I had $var==0 when it should be $var=0 ...fixed for next update.
edited 2×, last 03.09.17 04:09:10 am
I've constructed two beehives inside one greenhouse in opposite corners, releasing 30 bees at each during winter. Tested twice, both times bees died at change of day. I'll retest this again to be sure once I get a chance later today.
Possibly they're outside the radius of the greenhouse's protection, since they're inside the extreme corners of the structure rather than close to the middle.
I also did notice that there appears to be a small area in the exact centre of the greenhouse that's unable to be planted, I'm guessing due to acting as the building's centre and blocking other construction in the area.
I'm not too worried about lag speed. I'm running this on an i7-7700K with a GTX 1070 and 16 GB RAM, so it's smooth as butter even on June 26th version. I'll upgrade once I "win" this island by maxing all my skills. I'm passing winter quickly levelling up digging, which is massively tiring, then sleeping 9 hours.
Also, massive thanks for your constant efforts and fast reply! This mod is still hands down the best survival game out there.
Edit: An additional bug report.
Burning cotton in a kiln consumes it at a very slow rate, comparable to charcoal. My sheep feed my kiln of eternal light!
edited 1×, last 03.09.17 06:24:00 am
I have increased the radius of the greenhouse for both plants and bees from 42 to 62, well within range. Good find!

Also, now when you put cotton in the kiln, forge, or fireplace it will burn up at 5 per check instead of 1, no matter how much you put in.

Yes @ greenhouse center, there is a spot in all building centers that is not accessible.
edited 2×, last 03.09.17 07:46:53 am
Also, a wishlist item: if you ever consider adding additional functionality to the worker unit, I know I'd love to have a work command to have him/her gather harvestable plants such as tomatoes, berries and grapes. It'd do double duty on feeding the worker as well as keeping the plants in a ready growth state to prevent them capping their production. I'm certainly no authority on the details, but possibly a method similar to the wolfdog's detection of meat to collect the items would work.

Or you might want to right click the .exe file and change the "Compatability" mode to an earlier version of windows. other then that maybe your settings were wrong in WinRaR when you unzipped it? Should be default settings and use the EXTRACT TO button.
I have no idea if this glitch has been reported before:
If you stand above the ground (example: on water trough or other thing), you are able to place unlimited number of planting stakes directly in this same place.
(tested on lastest version)
I have fixed several issues due to lowering the islands when starting a new eating and drinking in deep water had to be adjusted, and other things like items spawning on the shore, even planting stuff at the shore...cuz when lowering the island y=0 is now under water. Normally y=0 right at the very edge of the water.
Thanks again for the report!

p.s. The game is laggy
p.p.s. how do you make the pictures show up on your thread?
edited 1×, last 21.09.17 03:51:04 am
Changelog so far:
Hi Fresh.
Thanks for checking out the mod. Some people report lag more than others, seems to be an issue with slower processors, or graphics cards.
I been working on reducing lag and its getting better...still testing some things.
The editor is disabled in this mod because there is over a million lines of added script that all work together and interact with each other. Changing 1 variable, or giving yourself an item, can break the game. Also to detour cheating.
To get a MediaFire pic to show on the thread, goto the little tab on the right that says "more sharing options" and copy and paste the "direct link" into the IMG tag, instead of using the default link.
Thanks for checking out the mod. Some people report lag more than others, seems to be an issue with slower processors, or graphics cards.
I been working on reducing lag and its getting better...still testing some things.
The editor is disabled in this mod because there is over a million lines of added script that all work together and interact with each other. Changing 1 variable, or giving yourself an item, can break the game. Also to detour cheating.

To get a MediaFire pic to show on the thread, goto the little tab on the right that says "more sharing options" and copy and paste the "direct link" into the IMG tag, instead of using the default link.
edited 2×, last 25.09.17 05:37:52 pm
p.s. I still don't know how to upload pictures on this site, and I couldn't find what I wanted on youtube. Plz post a scrnshot.