keep up the good work

keep up the good work

Treehouse Pole: using 8 logs from the hammer build menu
Notice the large arched rock in the background. That is one of the 16 new rocks mentioned on the previous page 91. Also is the rock that offers "cover" from rain/sleeping. (like the cave but not against storms/monsoons)
New Update is now posted: 59.64MB. Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures as usual. December 12-24-16 saves are compatible this 01-01-17 update.
Happy New Years!

change log:

edited 9×, last 04.01.17 04:15:52 am
About: "If your carry capacity is 0 or exceeded, you will be encumbered by the weight, and not be able to move until you drop some weight.(complete)"
After you exceed the weight, you can't move even after releasing the weight

hey thank you for are right. I had made an error when I did a final edit before uploading. So, I have fixed the current update for all future downloads.
hey thank you for are right. I had made an error when I did a final edit before uploading. So, I have fixed the current update for all future downloads.
Here is a tiny patch to fix "I can not move!" bug for those who already downloaded the update. (only 9 others have downloaded the bug)

1) Download the tiny units.inf file and rename it to remove the .txt part.
2) Copy/paste or Drag/drop into the /mods/sys folder
3) Choose replace/overwrite the current file
edited 3×, last 03.01.17 11:45:27 am
When the player stops moving and the speed reads "0.0" the player presses W and moves "backwards" for a moment before moving forward.
This bug is in the same script as the last bug so this new units.inf patch fixes also has new addition optimizations. Also added to this latest NewYear Update 01-01-17 for all future downloads.

NOTE:I never downloaded the .inf files from MediaFire before.
I see now that: MediaFire renames the file with the .txt at the end. (units.inf.txt) This MUST be removed/renamed so the file name is exactly units.inf BEFORE you put it in the /sys folder.
edited 1×, last 05.01.17 02:34:50 am
I started a new one, and believe me, the new rocks ROCK!!!
It is truly amazing how this new feature can so dramatically change the landscapes and ergo game dynamics (a bit too much tho, u should probably scale down a bit).
I also noticed more water rocks, and ore rocks, yet did not see rabbits or squirrels... BUT, take this with a grain of salt, I did not go past a week or 3k meters.
I REALLY like the new rocks, I just think u went a bit overboard.
And as always, thank you for your hard work.
Yeah I was thinking the same but I am still playing around on a map. What I noticed is things are harder to find and seeing far distances can be limited due to the rocks.
Still playing out this map a bit and if needed I will scale the rocks down or maybe have less spawn.
Also, yes, I had edited the rocks and mistakenly added the water rocks to hard mode and expert mode by accident. I already fixed that for the next posted update or patch.
Also, this evening I manged to do some optimizing that I am really excited to get posted...the "tick lag" I have posted in the above units file patch is great, but I just found some other script optimization for lag and cant wait to share. That continuous 2 second tick lag is almost gone completely now for next update. The hour change/skybox tick is about 50% less too now.
Thanks for the feedback! and you are welcome.
p.s Did you notice expert mode? Quite a bit harder then hard mode.
edited 1×, last 05.01.17 02:20:48 am
Love it!
I do agree that stones (a) make it more difficult for spotting stuff, and (b) more realistic. As I said, I LOVE IT, but u can probably scale down a bit.
Will you test this out for me? Take these 2 files, and rename them to remove .txt and drop them in you /sys folder.
You should see less tick lag and the pressing shift to run improved by 100%

(see update below)
thanks if you got the time let me know how noticable it is on your computer please.
edited 4×, last 05.01.17 10:15:19 am
Right now large stone have taken over. Which is cool. Heh, for me, I can explore the current set up for a couple of months.
But looking ahead, yeah, I would reduce a bit the largest stones.

Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures as usual. Saves are compatible!

edited 3×, last 05.01.17 10:25:45 am
Take a break, this is a solid version, after the tweak with the new "16 stones" (BTW AWESOME update that SUBSTANTIALLY changes our maps), it should keep us entertained for months.
Consider running a competition for the next 2 or 3 months; say: call for the best survival score, best image, best weapon set up, etc, whatever you decide. You pick one or more (let it be known, I will volunteer to challenge you on any and all of them :P). Add it as a line in the top post.
Dude, thank you, and happy new year again!!!
edited 5×, last 06.01.17 03:53:51 am
I am aware of the bug where after killing a unit, they do not remain in dead animation and return to a standing position.
Looking for a solution...In optimizing the mod I added to some scripts a "freeze" command to reduce the lag. It works, but is returning the dead animals animation to a stand position...when the scripts "un-freeze" the units.
Sorry, will post a patch asap.

So here we see I killed a scorpion...all killed units will glow red particles for 2 seconds before turning into a pile of bloody bones.
Now the player will loot the bone piles for the normal loot items. All bones left on the map at midnight will be cleaned up (deleted) just as the dead units always have. ("saves" are compatible)
There are 4 sizes of bone piles. Tiny(insects), Small(small game), Medium(medium game), Large(large game & human)
After looting, you can choose to destroy the bones. Tiny & Small you get nothing, but Medium and Large you "find" 1-2 bones.
Sorry there is no patch. The only way to get the fix is to re-download the mod. I considered a patch but with the new bone pile models you would have a huge file to download anyways because the "graphics" folder is the largest file in the mod. It contains part the fix along with the smaller script files.
edited 2×, last 07.02.17 04:56:59 pm
It's a nice idea by the way, and a new way to gain extra resources (bones)
I try to rekill a bird once because it was standing up hehehe.
Have a good vacation friend.
I added a couple more fixes last night so I included them with this fix for the dead unit animation issue and new bone pile fix.
saves are compatible...

So Sorry about all the recent updates/downloads. I will try in the future to be more patient and not prematurely post updates until I test everything more...please keep in mind I do this by myself, and your guys input and feedback is what has allowed this mod to get this far in 3 years time.
I say Thank You to you all! I will be in-n-out while I am on break and should have the mod finished by this Aprils' update...if all goes well.
Quick suggestion (heh, sorry, u know me)
1. Cosmetics: How about press NN and get a different symbol than the blue X. Say, little red house to mark Camps. I think this concept could later be expanded to include other. But for now, a red X or if you wana go fancy, a little house symbol, would be cool.
2. Ceramics. I have not gotten there yet this version, so if I am talking crap forgive me. But, as to last year version, I would suggest cooking/eating utensils should be available from the start. Once we skill up, then their durability should improve. Sort of like with iron/steel levels.
3. Again, take it with a grain of Salt but.
a) The new rocks fucking ROCK!!! I CANNOT believe we did not do this years ago.
b) I think animals and natives are pretty balanced.
c) Thanks for the fix on fishing.
d) Noticed less fruits, good!
4) Other
a) during cravings, do all foods get a penalty, or just some?
b) RATS dude, listen to me, there is got to be further penalties to hoarding crap!!

i) I would consider a basic crate without need for nails (storages very little, does not require much wood.
ii) any and all storage would spawn rats, the bigger the more! And rats should increase universal spoilage rate by a % (until you figure out something more fair). The more rats, the more spoilage. And of course, rats should be part of our diet.
c) Are whales still around?
As always, thank you!
I will look into marking the map and see if/how to incorporate multiple markers. That would be pretty cool.
Not sure how to give a utensil a function. You mean like to eat say meat you have to have a fork in your hand...or if you eat tomato soup you have to have a spoon in hand. Kinda thing?
"The new rocks fucking ROCK!!! I CANNOT believe we did not do this years ago." That is exactly how I felt when I first added them and played my first map with them.

When you have a craving for say "Calciums" when you eat a food of calcium type it will say CRAVING REDUCED! in green. So like a bottle of sheep milk, or bone marrow would be a calcium type. (in the descriptions you will see like +1 Calcium). If you eat a food that does not have calcium you will only see the RED part of the text message "Other foods are less filing" AND that food will only fill 50% of normal.
I have a rat model ready but I have not been able to get the animation to work once I put it on the map...i don't know why yet. Keep hope...also note: Currently, the more storages you have the more spoilage may occur. It depends on how "spread out" your food is when the script runs. If all of your food is in 1 storage less may spoil. Example: When the scripts checks all your crates, if it finds food in the 1st crate it may spoil 1 food, when it goes to the 2nd crate and finds food another 1 can spoil and so on. Lastly and most important, your inventory is ALWAYS targeted by the script first...better to store food than to carry food to avoid increased spoilage.
I will consider another storage for new starts, but for now the pouch rucksack can be made as soon as you dry 1 hide and make a cord. edit hmm, i guess that does take a few days to get a knife, cut logs, make a rack, and then dry the hide...I will add a "tiny" storage from 8 stones + 1 log that holds like 1500 grams. Simulating you just set 8 stones in a small rectangle and put a log on top, very primitive.
edit: ok like this? Holds 1500g
edited 6×, last 07.02.17 04:56:36 pm