
Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures, as usual. Your "saves" may or may not be compatible...you should sleep past midnight asap and may need to re-arrange some storages due to adjusting some weights of item for balance. Some "save" storages could even be at -negative storage space.
If you do not read the entire change log below, at least review the Yellow Starred ones, they are most significant.
The yellow star

edited 2×, last 21.09.16 11:22:03 am
Or hang it in the sun for dry meat.
I realized that I broke the "building site" for building in the winter time when I was fixing the beekeeper building issue.You get a message "Greenhouse needed!" and it won't build anything. So I re-uploaded the update with the fix. Here is a tiny patch to add to your /sys folder to fix it back how it was.

Just copy it over the old file and your good to go! sorry. I don't think anyone else got to download it before I fixed it but you two. But if anyone else tries to build in winter and it is not working there is the patch.
That has been brought up before too, we have discussed maybe a "Smoker" building or salting to preserve. I don't know yet...I am still on the fence about it.
That has been brought up before too, we have discussed maybe a "Smoker" building or salting to preserve. I don't know yet...I am still on the fence about it.
edited 1×, last 21.09.16 10:54:41 pm
You and the community are welcome...I have enjoyed being a part of this community, and all I have learned while being here. Thank you for stopping by.

Here is a kind of a little bug:
I made 3 fish habitat building sites, finished them halfway, saved and loaded the game again. The building sites are not underwater, but swimming after loading. After finishing these sites, the habitats are on watersurface level. Do they still work?
I currently have the save game with the half finished sites, so I may destroy the sites (if possible) and rebuild them correctly underwater.
Here is a little suggestion: As I started a new game several times, my aim was always to get a crossbow asap, because the damage is very high and you don't need anything else than a knive and some branches (the dmg bonus from iron bolts isn't worth the trouble getting them, in my opinion).
So, for a crossbow you need iron bars. I suggest to change that to steel bars, so the crossbow is more of a lategame item and not midgame. The Longbow is pretty obsolete, because you need a matchet which is made from an ironbar, so it is the same tier of forging skill - you can skip the longbow and go straight to crossbow.
And, as I already mentioned in the thread: You cannot start a fire with double flint in real life. They may do something which look like sparks, but these are not hot enough to get your tinder burning. What you CAN do, is making sparks with flint and iron/steel. My suggestion is to make a recipe "iron + flint(shard) = flint and steel" (make sure to set the weight down, you barely need 400gram of iron for something like that). This makes it a little more difficult to get a fast fire source and it is more realistic. I have such a lighter and can do fire with that. Ingame,right now I skip the branch/bark combo, because I always got plenty of flint shards very early and it is annoying that they break that often.
Maybe make a item craftable at the anvil? So you first need to start a fire with bark and branch, then heat your first iron and forge your "lighter"part, which can be combined with flint. But it can also be done with a simple piece of iron.
Here is a video of how it is done:
Yeah...I do need to do something about making fire...your right, I have not made a bark/branch fire in a long time. I usually do not even get the achievement bonus unless I just make a fire bark/branch just that reason...not because I had to.
Ima think about it and will have it addressed for next update.
The habitats can be set at the water surface or under water, they still work the same. I make mine at the surface sometimes and walk out on them to fish, like a dock.
Hmm, the crossbow. Let me look at it again and re-assess the situation. I can probably make it less powerful and extremely heavy or something...so the Long Bow would be less obsolete. Cuz "weight"/"speed" is a big factor early on with smaller rucksacks. If the crossbow is really heavy it may be useful to use the long bow until you can carry more? I dunno, I will look at it.
Thanks much for the feedback! Good stuff.
To All,
The Pickaxes have a "find" bonus on stone, it will find more iron, sulfur, crystal, gold, coal & saltpeter than any other tool...even though it has a higher damage against stone, it is still effective. Also is the fastest tool to make a hole in the ice during Winter.
The Scythes have a high cutting bonus on crops, and flesh. So it will cut down crops the fastest, and damage "units" the most & cause bleeding, in melee class weapons.
In an earlier discussion about the topic of tool damage vs effectiveness in extracting items, I forgot about an update where I added this element. It IS ALREADY in the mod.
The Pickaxes have a "find" bonus on stone, it will find more iron, sulfur, crystal, gold, coal & saltpeter than any other tool...even though it has a higher damage against stone, it is still effective. Also is the fastest tool to make a hole in the ice during Winter.
The Scythes have a high cutting bonus on crops, and flesh. So it will cut down crops the fastest, and damage "units" the most & cause bleeding, in melee class weapons.
In an earlier discussion about the topic of tool damage vs effectiveness in extracting items, I forgot about an update where I added this element. It IS ALREADY in the mod.
So here is my latest map. My little camp at 130 days in. Got my female warrior guarding my male worker there near the greenhouse. I do have a dock and dugout at the shore too. Just thought I would share.

So I saved and then killed myself just to see my stats page. Here is what it looks like. Note I drank 18 heal potions lol.
last edit:Yeah I think I should raise the jade for drinking heal potions to 400. If nobody objects...I think I want drinking heal potions to be last resort moreso than it apparently is. 18 heal potions is way high and I still got 10 OSR. I should have like 8-9 OSR for such a abuse of heal potions. Any thought are welcomed!

edited 6×, last 07.02.17 04:59:53 pm
I also dislike the idea of losing points for treating your wounds or any loss at all, it penalizes proper playing/treating of wounds and makes me savescum so I don't get any wounds to not loose score.
I hate the fact that 70% of the time playing this mod has been savescumming and loading games because the RNG decided to not give me any materials, i'd like there to be a tool that give more leaves like the walking stick or such as the pickaxe does for rock items, it would also be nice if the walking stick lasted a bit more and gave a noticeable movespeed boost at the start when having it on the hotkey that would get smaller as your survivor skill increseases, leaving it only for leaves endgame.
edited 4×, last 23.09.16 05:51:34 pm
the CON's penalty for splinting,bleeding, and getting poisoned is tiny compared to the PRO's. They do not effect your score that much unless you die within the first month or two. IF YOU DIE YOU ALREADY LOST THE GAME! but I leave the saving and loading option up to the individual payer. Personally I start over if I die.
The drinking of heal potions is the largest possible exploit in keeping your player alive/100% health...so that penalty is one to avoid abuse. You can see I drank 18 and still got a 10.0 score. I just raised that penalty to -400. You can eat the heal herbs for smaller heal bonuses without taking a penalty...you can occasionally drink a heal potion too without killing your score. It is about allowing a player to take a heal potion when your health is down to the "Low Blood" state, but not drinking them when you still have half your health or better...taking them "just because you can?" instead of dealing with your health issue over time by sleeping right and eating right and avoiding injury. (like for real?)
If you beat on a rock with a pickaxe in real life you will eventually destroy it quickly too...and faster then if you use a hammer, machete, or a stick.. You can clearly see the target health now that I fixed that bug...beat on it until it is low and then come back in a couple days (everything regenerates "some" health at midnight). Last one i beat on with a pick axe I got 20 pieces of iron before the rock was low enough to stop hitting on it so i don't destroy it. I needed 21 pieces for my project so I took out my net and beat 1 more piece out and left it alone for a few days. Part of the steel upgrade is durability...you can use the iron if you choose, but I use the steel only to clear big rock when I want to clear the land for building. Other wise I use the iron for getting ore out of rock. I get 20 pieces fast compared to using the hammer and beating on it 3x longer to get the same amount. (also your LEVEL contributes to your finding stuff when hitting stuff) If you use debug and cheat giving yourself the iron pickaxe at level 1 mining you will find it IS useless...i did that on purpose so players do not cheat using debug. If you do not cheat and receive the pickaxe by unlocking it and building it you will find it's true purpose...and it will make more sense. (Mining Level 3 or higher you get more items out of stuff where the pickaxe is useful...it is not useful at level 1-2 that is why it is "locked")
You still have not learned some parts of the mod. You get only leaves from the Leafy Plant(low growing leafy fern type plant), You get only branches from the Branchy Bush, you get only bark from the Big Palm tree...etc...and they give "more" of those items than other objects do. If you want a lot of leaves hit the BIG Leafy Plant. it gives +2 to +5 leaves per hit, and only gives leaves. If you want vines hit the Big Dead Vine Tree...need bark? hit the big palms.
Thank you for your feedback, and I will consider it more as we move forward. Most of what I read though seems to point out that you want me to make everything really easy for the player...sorry, I will not do that for hard mode. That is what easy and normal mode is for...on easy mode I doubt you would ever even need to take a heal potion and there is no hostile animals that would even make you bleed out with injury. There is also many iron rock and the most important objects as food trees all over the maps. Hard mode is hard...that is just what many here seem to enjoy from what I have read.
edited 3×, last 23.09.16 11:06:42 pm
Also still you are unrewarding people for surviving fractures and bleeding, that seems really dull from a survival standpoint.
The cheat/debugs is dumb, im free to do what I want in a game, how am I supposed to test stuff and bugtest without sinking weeks of playing to get to skill level 1000? Only to get wiped by a new update removing all my hard work, I can tell you it's not fun.
Also you completely disregarded my issue with the steel pickaxe being a downgrade to the iron pickaxe for anything else than removing stones, wich aren't that plenty to begin with as trees.
I already know that about the bushes and branches, no need to lecture me on what I already know, I only wanted to give the walking stick some use as it's pretty much not worth it as it breaks in 10 hits.
edited 2×, last 24.09.16 12:41:09 am
Actually no i did not consider tutorials for modding. Sort of leaning towards developing a standalone survival game with one of the latest engines. Cheers!
Actually no i did not consider tutorials for modding. Sort of leaning towards developing a standalone survival game with one of the latest engines. Cheers!
Hey, be sure to link it here. You have great skills!
hey thanks and yes I will link here to it one day
hey thanks and yes I will link here to it one day

My apologies if I "sounded" offensive. When reading forums it is difficult sometimes to explain without it sounding "rude".
I can only say I feel you may have used debug to get your pickaxe and your using it at a level 1-2 miner and this IS the issue, because the results of the pickaxe/yield is not correct because you should not have the iron pickaxe until you unlock it playing the mod as it was intended. Is that not the case?
If it is the case you are judging a tool you did not acquire through gameplay and it is NOT useful at low level. So the whole idea you have about the pickaxe is obscured.
If it is not the case, and you acquired the pickaxe by unlocking it through gameplay, then I would say It is as useful as I am willing to make it as it stands. I never intended to even take this mod as far as I did.
The mod is not even done yet, the updates are still coming and I do not "make" anyone download them or tell them it is finished when it is not. So I may be brutally honest at times, but at least I am honest with you all...and maybe I am wrong sometimes too as the way I see the mod as I do, and the elements within the mod being included.
I did not disregard your downgrade of the steel pickaxe...the durability is increased and it is used to remove rock from the map.
yeah the walking stick was not intended to be used past day 3. I was not lecturing purposefully about the bushes, I seemed you where not aware of that aspect bt this statement:
I hate the fact that 70% of the time playing this mod has been savescumming and loading games because the RNG decided to not give me any materials
So i was informing you so I thought.
When feedback is posted I always take it seriously and regard it as important. Very important. Sometimes I just totally disagree with the feedback and I am sorry for that. I hope you enjoy playing the mod and hope you will play it through once with no debug AT ALL when it is finished.
The end game is coming...currently missing so you are not finding the "clues" that will allow you to escape if the player chooses too. The game play I had in mind is for various type players. Some may only play a month and restart and only continue playing less rounds that are less than a year ingame ...another will try to play through finding the clues and escape the island...and another may not want to even escape and simply live on the island as long as they choose to.(endless game)
As far as the walking stick...you mentioned making so if you have it in your hand you would get a speed boost. I simply disagree...I actually put speed restrictions on the player on purpose early on, so why would picking up a stick even make you faster? If you had another idea I am willing to listen, but If a disagree do not take it to heart please. I intended to keep the player slow at the start...so I cannot agree, when I do not agree.
I do appreciate yours and everyones feedback, I even said that above. Thank you.
The speed restriction is VERY bad, Im still in summer and I feel like my character is still crawling or fractured when he is not, its boring having to wait 1 minute just to get at a tree that was 15 meters ahead, even with low weight on me, besides the low speed makes everithing feel slow, and it hurts early game exploration due to how hard it is to find a flint/stone/iron ore, I wasted about 4 IRL HOURS just to find a FRIGGING iron ore rock by walking the entire island, I almost wanted to throw the mod to hell, my PC, myself and forget about it after such a BORING, FRUSTATING and TEDIOUS experience.
edited 1×, last 24.09.16 01:01:21 am
maybe what I could do is combine the level 7 and level 6 speed ups into 1 speed for BOTH levels...and then add the 1 level I take away to level 1...so then you would start a bit faster, progress up to level 6 and then remain at level 6 speed. Level 7 could simply be an achievement bonus instead.
Does that sound feesable? You would only be a little bit faster at the start though, nothing huge.
Seeing how sluggish you start makes me very angry inside because id wish the character to move a little bit faster, early exploration is very important in setting a home, so a little bit faster wouldn't hurt to help set a favorable place.
Also finding flint for a knife is gonna be a pain at the start with those changes, I used to fist rocks for flint because the knife is the most important wall/tool at the start to make the buildings, else you are left with nothing.
1) small map 7 flint shard
2) medium map 12 flint shard
3) big map 16 flint shard
Flint and Flint shard can not be mined from regular rock, it will only be found in mining the "ore" rocks (iron,gold,coal,crystal) once you reach Level 2 Mining.
The chance of mining the whole Flint is very very rare, while mining the Flint Shard will be rare.
Breakage occurs less often, but will still be common.
1) Flint: 1 in 12 uses chance
2) Flint Shard: 1 in 8 uses chance
The Flint Knife breaks less: 1 of 75 chance when hitting objects, or 1 of 8 when used to start a fire with a 2nd flint. It has 3 types of breakage:
1) Comes apart: both 1 branch & 1 flint shard returned
2) Handle breaks: 1 flint shard returned
3) Shard breaks: 1 branch returned
When a whole Flint breaks when making fire, you will get 1 Flint Shard returned. You can still break a whole flint into 2 shards using a stone/hammer.
Supplemental Considerations:
1) Using Bark & Branch instead of flints to create fire.
2) Skewer cooking instead of picking up hot food from a grill.
3) Making single cords using cotton via the "use" button.
4) Making single grain seed using single grain via the "use" button.
Mining Level 2 can be achieved within the first couple of days on a new map. Once you get to level 2 you will begin to see flint/shards while mining the ore rocks only. However, they will be rare finds and should be utilized wisely. Bark & Branch fire making should be more prevalent in the next update.
As always thank you for your hard unpaid good work.
Please forgive me for mentioning other games here, and for my ultimate point, but I do want to make a point, and I mean the best for you.
I recently got a "decent" (not even close to top notch) desktop and was finally able to run on max setting the 2 closest copy cats on steam: Stranded Deep and The Forest. (BTW, DID NOT NOTICE LAG AT ALL while playing Survivalist)
In short: those game graphics are light years away from our game, but in their infancy in terms of smooth playability leading to "realism." On the other hand, please keep in mind I have played less than 5 or 6 hours of each, so I do not know 1% of those games yet.
(a) Stranded deep has slightly the better graphics imo, and it is the one closest aligned to The Survivalist, BUT it is not even close to an as true survival gameplay as the Survivalist; and unfortunately I read is winding down, although I am not sure whether this is true or not.
(b) The Forest, on the other hand, seems to be a bit more developed and alive in terms of ongoing development/followers, but I simply do not like the dynamics (i) too much emphasis on native action, and (ii) building is simply too fast.
So, subject to review say in 3 or 4 weeks, I can confidently say that even tho The Survivalist simply cannot compete with their graphics; however, in terms of game play and realism it is, literally, months of hard work, if not years, ahead from the closest competition.
As always, thank you!
I do understand your frustration because, ironically, I get annoyed by fast speeds. Please keep in mind I prefer the most realist survival experience possible, which means that I do not want an action game (If I wanted that I would go for well established first shooter games). Instead, I want a chess game, with some flashes of action every now and then. Here, if anything, I would make it slower, and harder, and ever more frustrating, etc. Ask JJ, I always push for those things.
As a matter of "survivability" JJ does need to find a happy medium IF he wants to keep working on this game for years to come.
The Survivalist is, and it has been so for years, the best version of Stranded BY FAR!!!
But to be honest, the true question is whether it is worth to keep sinking time (both, in terms of coding and playing) on this game when graphics/physics/witchcraft tech are so far ahead. Especially when, if you show the same work ethics and resilience as you have here, you could "subsidize" your hobby on Steam, and I believe, become the best of the genre.
If I were you JJ, I would finish this classic ASAP with a decent end game, and move on to morph all of your accrued knowledge unto a better platform.
Again, please forgive me for my blunt opinions, and please keep in mind that I have been here with you from day 1, and that I offered to go into business together years ago, which, still willing to consider, and again, I got and IT college brother who could help us immensely.
edited 34×, last 29.09.16 07:44:17 am
Thanks for all the praise man, really appreciate it! I know your right about the "moving on" bit. The newer engines have so much to offer. Exactly why S3 is going to be in Unity.
I am going to finish up this mod in the next 2 updates and do just that. I have recently been checking out another engine and already started testing out islands and such. My first go using unity was derailed when I found some issues that would prevent what it was I wanted to accomplish...mainly the maximum map size was to small, I felt. There was also some issues when I found a work-around where I "stitched" together 4 smaller terrains into 1 big terrain...saving the game data was near impossible, but worse then that was the engine lags hard because I needed to have "actual" prefab model for every model such as Trees and Shrubs etc...In other games they normally do not stitch terrains and they use a feature where at a distance the objects like trees and bushes are "painted"...or only "look" like they exist...as the player approaches them they are replaced into actual models/prefabs.
well...to many problems cuz in my huge maps having actual objects creates to much overhead for unity to handle. It all would have worked actually but I would have to make it like other games...when you load a save or at other times the trees you cut down are back in there original place. I want to have it so when the tree is cut it is gone forever...even when you reload your save.
In any case, there are a few other issues I wont go into right now, but I decided to check out some other engines before I commit. Currently working in one and checking out the very points I make above, among other things. So far I like this one. So I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Also note...I may go back to unity and try another method of achieving the same results...An idea I had that might work involved using "invisable to the player" objects to mark data points on the map that might allow me to do what it is I want to do. I do not want to have 1 map you play on all the time...having a random generated terrain and objects is a must in my book. Or at least an option where you can choose from several maps but the vegetation is randomly placed every new game...it is just so time consuming and there are other things like the costs when you need a good program to make models and stuff...like Blender or some other programs that are expensive that would make things so much easier...just a lot of factors I have not settled on yet.
But...the good news is I do plan to make it happen. I will make a stand alone survival game in a newer engine...just need to work out some issues that arise because of the "type" of game I want. (like this mod). If I was making a game similar to all the others I would not have stopped and started over like I did...hell, I had a website up and a preview showing weather and some basic functions and everything...mush as I hated to take it all down and start over...I had too. I do not want "just another survival game like the others." The survival game I have in mind I hope will be truly unique and awesome to play...or I am not interested at all. I do not want reviews that say: "Do not waste your time it is just like The Forest, or Stranded Deep."
No what I'm sayin?

Thanks again for the feedbacks and encouragements over the last couple years!
edited 1×, last 01.10.16 09:08:13 am