Believe it or not, from the old massive mod I had reduced the digging jades more than 60%.

Build the Habitat lol... it draws 1 of each type of fish to it(so put it at the shoreline not way deep in) over night everynight for 2 weeks straight. They could not be any closer to shore or easier to catch. I catch fish with hooks only many times and I usually only fish with wood/bone hooks.
The first 2 levels of fishing are the least productive as with most skills. If you just relax, do not rush the game, and just let it unfold as you play...passing through all 4 seasons onetime you will find your game has changed in many ways and forms, and realize everything you do now with higher skill levels is easier and worth the seemingly huge effort it takes to get to those levels.
I have posted rarely in the past saying something to this effect:
"You need to experience the mod through surviving all 4 seasons (in any mode)at least, or you have never really played the mod. Playing 1 or 2 seasons and quitting, or dieing and starting over, means that player only got to experience the tip of the iceburg."
When all your skill levels are maxed at 1000 and your still alive...then you would likely appreciate the experience you had getting there. It does however kinda suck a bit to be new to the mod and die time after time and start over many times and not get to experience the rest of the mod. (mid-late to late gameplay) but that is why Easy Mode and Normal Mode are so much easier for a new player to start first before tring the hard mode.
I bet you came here and started your first games and play...on hard mode huh? I would understand all your frustrations if that is the case. Hard mode is not only hardest it is most tedious in every way for the first year on the island. In real life most people would likely die, infact, statistically the majority do. good luck on your adventure bro

p.s. On easy mode you can live comfy easy and learn the things you need in playing hard mode....a bit we have already covered above...but much more too. Like which flower gives citronella to make Insect Repel...otherwise in the middle of hard mode is not the time to try and learn where it is and find it too. You need to already know where to get it...then WHEN will be the best time to go get it? Can I now...What do it need to go find it? Push Pause(inventory)... Plan.... then Execute.
p.p.s. Oh yeah...your other question, I almost forgot. The events are suppose to remain active for about 40 seconds after reloading, if they where active when you saved. You should see the message "THEY FLED" after 40 sec from loading the save. If not, then there may be a bug. I will test it more too, thank you! (ok i checked into the script...i do not see a possible bug so try waiting the 40 sec and they should "FLEE".)
edited 2×, last 10.09.16 02:15:48 am